Navigation NAU 102 Lesson 7
Introduction Nautical Publications Charts are not enough! We need more information. Voyage planning. Often paper & electronic versions. Reference while conducting a voyage. Publications provide textual information for:
Light List Lists information on US lights & nav. aids Published annually by Coast Guard 7 volumes, by location
Light Lists
Detailed information on: Lights Buoys Daybeacons Ranges Fog Signals Radiobeacons Radar beacons
Light Lists Supplement chart More information More detail E.g. Includes building structure.
Light Lists Chesapeake Light N W Fl (2) W 15s 0.1s fl 2.9 sec 0.1s fl 11.9 sec Blue tower on white square superstructure on four black piles, CHESAPEAKE on sides. Emergency light of lower intensity will be displayed when main light is inoperative. RACON: N (- ). HORN: 1 blast ev 30s (3s bl). Operates continuously.
Light Lists Blue tower on white square superstructure on four black piles, CHESAPEAKE on sides.
List of Lights Lists information on foreign lights & nav. Aids. Published annually by NGA 7 volumes, by location
List of Lights
Similar information to Light Lists for: LightsFog Signals Used mainly for approaching foreign coasts. Major lighted navigation aids within harbors are included.
List of Lights (1) No. (2) Name and Location (3) Position (4) Characteristic (5) Height (6) Range (7) Structure (8) Remarks Ireland-East Coast DUBLIN BAY: 6592 A 5865 Kish Bank N W Fl.(2)W. period 20s White round concrete tower, red band. Helicopter platform. Horn: 2 bl. ev. 30s RACON
U.S. Coast Pilots Hazards Supplement information on charts Coastal and harbor information for US waters, such as: Local regulations Restricted areas Pilot services Port facilities
U.S. Coast Pilots Vessel traffic services Coastal and harbor information for US waters, such as: Radio frequencies Weather patterns Much more
US Coast Pilot Published by NOAA Printed annually (Vol. 8 & 9 bi-annually) 9 volumes, by location /nsd/coastpilot.htm
U.S. Coast Pilots
Sailing Directions Similar to Coast Pilots but for foreign coasts & waters. Published by NGA. 5 volumes of Planning Guides 37 volumes of Enroute
Sailing Directions
Planning Guides Adjacent countries Government type Each volume covers an ocean basin Currency Holidays, etc. Time Zones
Sailing Directions Planning Guides Used for planning ocean voyages. Recommended shipping routes Weather patterns
Sailing Directions
Enroute Detailed coastal and port information “Small Picture” Hazards Anchorages Local information
Sailing Directions
World Port Index Published by NGA Supplement to Sailing Directions Lists information about nearly every port in the world.
World Port Index
Distances Between Ports Can calculate distances between any 2 ports. Published by NGA E.g. How far is it between Oakland and Perth, Australia?
Distances Between Ports
= 8795 nm How far is it between Oakland and Perth, Australia?
Distances Between US Ports Published by NOS Table of Distances Between US Ports 10,000 US ports
Distances Between US Ports
Introduction to Navigation Questions?