The Communities First Programme in Wales Mainstreaming Regeneration Activity: Learning from Across the UK SURF Workshop - Dundee 24 th June 2010 Paul Dear - Head of Communities First Unit Welsh Assembly Government
2 Communities First established 2001 as WAG “Flagship”, building on much smaller People in Communities programme. Emphasis on “bottom-up”, community leadership. Initially 100 most deprived electoral wards in Wales, based on Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2000, but has grown since. A local partnership is key in each area, with public, private, voluntary sector and community representation. Currently 157 CF partnerships covering 188 designated areas; some very effective, others less so. Programme Background
4 Complexity of funding arrangements involving most Welsh Local Authorities and many community organisations. Challenge of balancing community engagement and anti-poverty aims of the programme. Trouble-shooting and support requirements exceeded expectations – resource intensive. Strong political and public interest at all levels. Programme bending and mainstreaming …. Key Programme Issues
5 Key objective from outset of the programme. Credible partnerships an essential pre-requisite; this has delayed effective mainstreaming in some areas. “Bottom-up” approach can seem at odds with efforts to engage effectively with service providers at local authority or national levels. Programme review in 2008 introduced the CF Outcome Fund – only CF partnerships can apply, match-funding required. Evaluation and Audit Reports have focussed on this issue. Nevertheless, some successes……. Communities First & Mainstreaming
6 One (Digital Inclusion) Community Cohesion Fund Integrated Children’s Centres Tackling Child Poverty Outcomes Fund Demonstration Projects Some Examples
7 Paul Dear - Head of Communities First Unit Welsh Assembly Government Rhydycar, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1UZ Thank you