ADMISSION PROCEDURE FOR ATTENDING THE CAROBELL/SCE PRE-VOCATIONAL DAY PROGRAM (When you are ready to move to the next slide, please click your mouse any where on the page)
Call Carobell / Station Club And talk to the Vocational Coordination. 1.
Contact your Case Manager and let them know what you want. 2.
3. Set up a tour of the program, so you can see what things are done at the day program.
4. Have your Person Centered Plan meeting to discuss goals you want to work on and fill out some paperwork.
5. Your Case Manager will send in your Plan for approval to attend our program. You may have to wait a little while, but usually not very long.
6. While waiting, you can set up Transportation.
7. Once you get approved your Case Manager will let you and Carobell know you can start when your ready.
CREDITS This presentation has been read to you by: Lori A. Uricchio Community Services Coordinator