THE LAST PAINTING OF THE FAMOUS PAINTER - RAPHAEL This famous painting now hangs in Vatican City. The Transfiguration is Raphael’s portrayal of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain. He is transfigured into a bright, heavenly being and his disciples Peter, James and John awake to see Jesus transfigured. He is joined by Moses (portraying the Law) and Elijah (portraying the Prophets) on the mountain. The Transfiguration is a foretelling of the Resurrection and Jesus’ disciples don’t understand this event, but once they see Jesus’ Resurrection they can then understand what they saw on the mountain.
LUKE 9:28-36 Listen as Mrs. Kurtz reads from the Bible this reading for Sunday. You will answer the following reflection questions: 1.Jesus took his disciples up the mountain to pray. Why do you think he went to there to pray? 2.What happened to Jesus while he was on the mountain praying? 3.Jesus’ disciples were asleep, what did they see when they awoke? 4.God showed Peter, James and John who Jesus really was, but he told them something, what did he tell them? 5.If you need more clarification for your questions, reread Luke 9:28-36.
ASSIGNMENT – DUE 2.22 Using the word listen – you will write a prayer that is an invitation to listen more attentively to Jesus. Each line of your prayer should begin with a letter in the word listen – see my example. You must write your prayer on paper or create it on your laptop. You must color or decorate your prayer paper.