Greek Gods and Goddesses
The Olympians 12 immortals who lived on Mount Olympus –Zeus –Poseidon –Hades –Hera –Demeter –Aphrodite –Apollo –Ares –Artemis –Athena –Dionysus –Hephaestus –Hermes
Zeus Supreme god Youngest son of the Titans, Cronos and Rhea Defeated his father for control of the universe He and his two brothers divided up creation
Poseidon God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses Married to Amphitrite Father of Theseus (King of Athens) Did not like the hero Odysseus
Hades God of the dead and the underworld Did not live on Mount Olympus
Hera Wife/Sister of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians Goddess of marriage Often depicted as a jealous shrew
Demeter Sister of Zeus Mother of Persephone Goddess of Agriculture Depicted carrying a sheaf of grain
Aphrodite Daughter of Zeus Goddess of love, beauty, & fertility and the protectress of sailors Paris chose her as the most beautiful goddess She saves Paris in his battle with Menelaus Her primary function is to preside over reproduction
Apollo God of prophesy, music and healing Brought about the demise of Achilles Often depicted playing the lyre
Ares God of war Beat by Hercules and almost killed when stuffed into a jar by two giants Son of Zeus Depicted as handsome and cruel
Artemis Goddess of the hunt Assisted women in childbirth Sister to Apollo and daughter of Zeus Depicted as young, wearing buckskins, and carrying a bow with a quiver full of arrows
Athena Goddess of crafts, domestic arts, war, and wisdom Patron goddess of Athena, Perseus, Jason Cadmus, Odysseus, and Hercules Her symbol is an owl Sprang from the head of Zeus
Dionysus God of wine Son of Zeus Saved his mother from the underworld Granted King Midas the power to turn whatever he touched to gold and then took the power back
Hephaestus Lame god of fire and crafts Son of Zeus and Hera Created Achilles’s armor Created the first woman, Pandora
Hermes Messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to the Underworld Son of Zeus Patron of travelers Depicted with winged heels
The Greek Alphabet