Helsinki, Finland Will Parranto
In the Country Helsinki is located on the southern coast of Finland.
In the Continent It is located in the Northern part of Europe
Climates ► Helsinki is in the climate zone of Humid Continental.
Important Waterways The city uses the Gulf of Finland as a waterway.
Important Buildings Some of the them are the Some of the them are the Parliament Building Helsinki Cathedral Helsinki Town Hall
Parliament Building Constructed between Constructed between By Johan Sigfrid Siren
Helsinki Cathedral Is an Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral Is an Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral It is located in the central of Helsinki
Finnish National Opera Two auditoriums largest 1,350 seats Two auditoriums largest 1,350 seats smallest seats smallest seats
Sibelius Monument Helsinki Landmark This landmark is dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. This landmark is dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.
Their Transportation The cit uses many different types of transportation. The cit uses many different types of transportation. It varies from trains, boats, planes, buses, and taxis
Air ports Malmi Airport Malmi Airport
Boats Many Ferries are used as transport Many Ferries are used as transport
Buses and Taxis Countless busses and taxis can bring you were you need to go Countless busses and taxis can bring you were you need to go
Trains The Helsinki Railroad Station The Helsinki Railroad Station
Trams Like the light rail system here in St.Paul and other places
Bibliography /Transportation-Helsinki-TG-C-1.html