EMERGE-USA Primary Elections & Senate District Conventions Delegate Orientation Workshop AJ Durrani / Nabila Mansoor / Amanda Quraishi Austin TX
Who won the 2016 Democratic New Hampshire Primary? 60% 38% Result 15 Delegates TIE
Shows that two-thirds of voters back Donald Trump’s repeated calls for a temporary pause to Islamic immigration until the federal government can suppress imported jihad. New Hampshire 2016 GOP Primary - Exit polls on Muslims
Emerge USA Foundation is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization, that seeks political empowerment for under-represented communities by encouraging active participation in the mainstream political spectrum. It stands for Empowering Motivating Educating Resourceful Grassroots Entities. It also has associated 501(c)(4) / PAC entity. Formed in 2009 when the Houston Grassroots political entity (CONAC established in 2005) merged with a Florida based organization “Center for Voter Advocacy” established in EmergeUSA is a national organization with offices/staff/presence – in Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville in Florida, in Houston and soon in Austin & Dallas, TX, in Philadelphia, PA, in Detroit / Dearborn, Mich., in N. Virginia/Wash DC area, in Columbus, OH, and in New York City. Also potential chapters in California, and New Jersey in 2016 What is EMERGE USA?
Key Dates OUTLINE OF 2016 POLITICAL CALENDAR Primary Election Tuesday March 1, 2016 Senate District Conventions Saturday March 19, 2016 State Conventions Republican Party --- Dallas – May 13-14, 2016 Democratic Party --- San Antonio -- June 17-18, 2016 National Conventions Republican Party --- Cleveland – July 16-21, 2016 Democratic Party --- Philadelphia – July 25-28, 2016 General Election Tuesday November 8, 2016
March 1, 2016 Texas Primary Elections Early Voting Period Tuesday Feb 16 – Friday Feb 26 Can vote at any EV location Austin EV locations t.do?code=E.4 t.do?code=E.4 Election Day - Tues March 1 Polls open 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Voting will qualify to become Delegate
WHO CAN ATTEND THE SD CONVENTION (and be a SD Delegate)? Any registered voter who resides in that Senate District and HAS voted in the March 1 Primary OR Who signs an Oath of Allegiance to the Democratic or Republican Party
WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND THE SD CONVENTION? Become a Delegate to State Convention (and then possibly to National Convention) Attend informative Workshops Listen to Great Speakers Meet Candidates Early Bird Sign-ups Dems: nvention/signup. nvention/signup Reps: Call Rep County Chair
SUMMARY OF MAIN BUSINESS OF THE SD CONVENTION Establish the roll of delegates attending the Senate District convention. Elect Delegates in Precinct(s) Caucuses Nomination Committee selects at-large Delegates to the State Convention Approve Resolutions Elect a Delegation Chair
What happens at the Senate District Convention Register (Sign-in) General Session A Precinct Caucus General Session Nominations Committee Resolutions committee Workshops Speakers / Candidates Credentials committee
SD Convention Agenda Registration Call to Order. Establishment of Temporary Roll of Delegates. Speakers / Candidates Report of Credentials Committee. The credentials report include recommendations regarding challenges of Delegates or delegations Report of the Rules and Procedures Committee and action on its report Election from among those present of a Permanent Convention Chair, a Permanent Secretary, and other officers necessary to conduct Convention business. Election of Delegates to the State Convention. Other Business: Committee reports, resolutions, etc. Adjournment
Election of Democratic Delegates from Precinct / SD Conventions to State Convention The ratio for the selection of Delegates to the State Convention will be one Delegate for each 175 FULL votes cast in the SD Precinct for the Party’s candidate for Governor in 2014 General Election (Wendy Davis) Allocated Number of Delegates – Greater Austin Area SD 5 Williamson Co 226 SD 14 Bastrop Co 38 Travis Co 766 SD 21 Caldwell Co 20 SD 25 Hays Co 78 Travis Co 77
Election of Republican Delegates from Precinct & SD Conventions to State Convention (still using the TX 2-step) Contact your Pct Chr/County Chr for exact figures Step 1 – Find the number of votes PER PRECINCT cast for Governor Abbott in the 2014 November General Election. Step 2 – Every Precinct Convention can elect at least ONE delegate and ONE alternate to the County/SD Convention Step 3 – Pct Level -Do the math using the formula outlined in the RPT Rules (Number of votes for Gov Abbott in 2014 General) ÷ 25 = Number of delegates (round to the nearest whole number) Step 4 – each County or SD Convention shall elect 1 Delegate and 1 Alternate for every 300 votes cast for Gov. Abbott in 2014
Electing Delegates in Pct Caucus at SD Convention Within each caucus, participants may nominate themselves or any other qualified person for the position of Delegate. Each Delegate present will have one vote irrespective of the number of Delegate slots allocated to that precinct. Those nominees who receive the highest number of votes will be the precinct recommendations for Delegates to the State Convention. Can use BULLET voting Try to become a State Delegate ONLY IF you plan to attend the Democratic State Convention in San Antonio on June or Republican State Convention in Dallas on May 13-14
At-Large Delegates The Nominations Committee will select other nominees for At-Large Delegates to bring the total to the full number authorized for the Senatorial District and Balance the delegation in accordance with the Texas Delegate Selection Plan, ensuring that the entire delegation is balanced based on affirmative action goals (e.g. race, gender, youth, etc.) Based on SD Convention Sign-In o Even if you cannot attend the SD Convention, you can still petition the SD Nominations Committee to select you for an At Large Delegate spot (use available form and give to SD Nominations Committee member)
County/Senatorial Convention Committees 1. Credentials: This committee will hear any contest concerning delegates and shall recommend the permanent roll of the convention. 2. Rules: This committee will interpret the rules and will render a decision in the event of a dispute between a delegate and a committee. It will recommend supplementary rules for the convention. 3. Permanent Organization: This committee will recommend permanent officers of the convention from among the delegates present. 4. Resolutions: This committee will conduct preliminary deliberations for the purpose of making recommendations to the Permanent Resolutions Committee. 5. Nominations: This committee will conduct preliminary deliberations for the purpose of making recommendations to the Permanent Nominations Committee.
Greater Austin Area (no alternates) SD 5: 5(M) SD 14: 10 SD 21: 5(M) SD 25: 6 Delegates to Dem National Convention Philadelphia, PA – July 25-28, 2016 Total: 288 Important: Notarized “Statement of Candidacy” Application Required for National Delegate Selection (paper instructions here) Last Date : May 29 (application form available)
Check with your County Chair for exact Delegates & Alternate figures Delegates to Rep National Convention Cleveland, OH – July 16-21, 2016
1. ALL persons wanting to become National Delegate MUST fill out Application Form and submit to County Party Chair 2. Application Forms will be available on March 21, 2016 and can be completed from that date onwards. Forms needs to be Notarized 3. Last Date to complete and submit notarized Application is 5:00 PM May 29, 2016 Need to submit Application Form for National Delegate