Harvest Ridge Book Club , 1 st -6 th Grades
Why book clubs? Encourages students to engage in meaningful discussions about the book they are reading Allows students to connect with peers Strengthens students’ vocabulary and imaginations Encourages writing and expands kids’ reading genres Gives insights into the minds of other readers It’s fun!
Our model Literature circles Formula Phonics Students will prepare for lit circles by completing assigned reading and job expectations Literature circles will take place Wed and Thu from 1:50-2:20 Students will discuss leveled books in their groups
Student jobs in lit circles Discussion director Connector Character captain Literary luminary Word wizard ReporterIllustrator Link to the awesome book club site:
Parent Support Enthusiasm for reading Guide students with their discussions Knowledge of each student job Encourage student participation Book club evaluation form Consistent participation is a must
Teacher Support We will frontload the students with the skills to complete and perform each job Folders will be provided for each volunteer We will assign appropriate leveled books for each group We will assign students to appropriate groups Groups will change at the end of each trimester