Overview of GFCM activities related to the MSFD Miguel Bernal Marine Strategy Coordination Group Brussels, 12 th – 13 th November 2013 GENERAL FISHERIES COMMISSION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN GFCM - Palazzo Blumenstihl, Via Vittoria Colonna 1, 00193, Rome, Italy – –
Objectives: 1949 Constitutive Agreement under FAO Article XIV Competence over the Mediter- ranean and Black Sea and connecting waters 24 Members: 19 Med, 3 BS, Japan and UE Power to adopt binding decisions Steering provided by a Bureau composed of a Chairperson and 2 Vice-Chairpersons Annual session, intersessional work done by subsidiary bodies and coordinated by Secretariat Ensure long-term sustainability of living marine resources, sustai- nable development of aquaculture and protection of sensitive habitats.
Strong cooperation with FAO regional projects Cooperation with other RFMOs and international organizations through several MoUs
1 st GFCM FWP - Concepts 5 Work Programmes (4 thematic, 1 geographical) with actions and activities Implemented through multi-annual and multi-donor ad hoc arrangements with donors Will rationalize interventions related to capacity building and technical assistance in GFCM Members “A strategic framework to support the objectives of the Task Force ( )”
1 st GFCM FWP - The Work Programmes
GFCM Framework Programme, 2013 activities WP01 Testing the feasibility of GFCM guidelines for management plans IUU fishing, MCS and regional fleet Indicators on the status of exploited marine populations WP02 Strengthen data collection in the Mediterranean and Black Sea WP04 Enhancing the development of artisanal fisheries WP05 Concerted Actions for Lebanon
Sustainable Use of the Marine Biological Resources: A supportive tool for the synergic implementation of the MSFD and the ECAP Initiative Joint project with the Italian Ministry of Environment Project started on November 2013, expected duration is 18 th months. The implementation area is the Mediterranean, with an expected case study to be defined. Project is primarily related to MSFD descriptor 3, but also 1 and 4, and is linked with the MSFD view on internacionalization and harmonization with third countries and Regional Seas Conventions Project also expect to benefit from collaboration with UNEP-MAP for the definition of targets and indicators for the EcAp (through existing MoU between GFCM and UNEP-MAP)
Sustainable Use of the Marine Biological Resources: A supportive tool for the synergic implementation of the MSFD and the ECAP Initiative State of exploited populations GFCM reference points UNEP- MAP indicators EU MSFD indicators Objectives: i)harmonize criteria to define environmental targets ii)determine the status of exploited marine populations, taking into account relevant socio-economic aspects, and iii)design monitoring requirements to ensure maintenance of good environmental status.
Sustainable Use of the Marine Biological Resources: A supportive tool for the synergic implementation of the MSFD and the ECAP Initiative Project is to be executed in 3 phases, objectives of the first phase include: Comparative analysis of the existing frameworks related to the definition, monitoring and proposed measures toward the Good Environmental Status, Agree on the implementation of a case study in order to: Evaluate harmonized indicators that could be used both in EU and non- EU members which could ensure the minimum requirements of MSFD, EcAp process and GFCM fisheries assessment and management objectives; Analyze the monitoring requirements for these indicators and Evaluate the efficiency of different measures to advance towards GES. Prepare a roadmap to implement the next phases of the project
Thank you for your attention ! GENERAL FISHERIES COMMISSION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN MSCG Brussels, 12 th – 13 th November 2013