Animal Farm - Summaries Chapter 1 Old Major gives the animals his dream for the farm (Major – Lenin) Beasts of England is sung. Chapter 2 Major dies Snowball (Trotsky) and Napoleon (Stalin) takes over
Chapter 2 continues Jones neglects the animals The animals chase the humans off the farm Manor farm becomes Animal farm Chapter 3 Pigs supervise labour Sunday is ceremonial day Napoleon takes nine puppies to educate Snowball has committees SEVEN commandments are written. Pigs get apples and milk.
Chapter 4 Rumours about Animal Farm spread. Jones and some men attack the farm. Snowball organizes the attack and is wounded. Napoleon hides during the battle The Battle of the Cowshed
Chapter 5 Mollie returns to humans. Snowball for Windmill – Napoleon against it. Napoleon chases Snowball off the farm with nine dogs. No more voting at meetings. Major’s skull is dug up and animals must file past it. Napoleon decides to build Windmill – says it was his idea.