® ® Workshop Synthesis Reflections on the Day Completing the Handbook Making an Impact
® ® 2 Reflections on the Day Representation from across Caltrans and a wide range of stakeholders Strong senior leadership message We’re changing business as usual We’re making California better Out of crisis comes opportunity Broad support for the aims of the Smart Mobility Framework effort However, lots of questions remain about how to make the framework meaningful
® ® 3 Reflections… “Putting Smart Growth in transportation terms” HCD launched Smart Mobility distribution network “Living on this planet is a team sport” “Limitless possibilities” “Do something positive as soon as you can”
® ® 4 Themes from breakout sessions Demographic change and differences among communities are important considerations Livability as an essential component of all places Value of natural resources should be highlighted Community and economic development contribute to Smart Mobility outcomes
® ® 5 Themes from breakout sessions A lot of existing manuals / policies / standards that need to be updates Performance measures should recognize non-traditional benefits Less stress, more time with family Transit impact on redevelopment Are we paying enough attention to intermodal access / connections
® ® 6 Themes from breakout sessions A variety of tools are available to evaluate Smart Mobility outcomes Achieving complete community design often involves tradeoffs
® ® 7 Completing the Handbook – What we heard “Too value laden on suburban places” “Too much planner-eese” A need for more clarity on place types Regions should define their own place types What are we saying about the use of these place types? Include “Greenprinting”
® ® 8 Completing the Handbook - Dilemma More specifics to accommodate issues that people saw as “missing” –Vs. Too much detail that makes it feel like a top down imposition from Caltrans
® ® 9 Completing the Handbook – Next Steps Collect more comments Produce a “proceedings” document to summarize workshop Design a graphically formatted document Staff / Consultant team collaboration Formulate checklists Revise and complete document
® ® 10 Making an impact… “We need a plan for implementing it and carrying it out” How do we motivate change at the local level How does the handbook change the world? Existing backlog of project that contradict these principles is an issue What are we going to do first?
® ® 11 A plan for carrying it out… Need for a strategy Selecting implementation actions with the Handbook as a guide Prioritizing implementation activities Connecting it to other on-going efforts How does it relate to the Blueprint work and scenario modeling Call it a California Handbook (“superb suggestion”) Roll out in context of climate change, w/ref to current science / time urgency CMAs will object because of statutory mandate to fight congestion; 1 st step should be legislative to change mandate
® ® 12 A plan for carrying it out… Need for a strategy Blueprint focus is on MPOs, who is target for this framework? (need to define) – clearly statewide (would be best from Seth’s perspective) How do we implement framework in the face of ballot box planning and political will? Tie in to implementing current legislative initiatives – State and Federal – transportation authorization and climate change
® ® 13 A plan for carrying it out… Need for a strategy Creating climate change offsets as potential source of funding for initiatives Triage of grandfathered projects should use the principles to identify which battles are worth fighting Need a clear transition strategy for updating other standards: HDM to existing policies and procedures Reconcile with ongoing other state issues, e.g. elimination of state transit account till 2013
® ® 14 A plan for carrying it out… Need for a strategy Create a national model that changes the dialogue between US and China No measure should be on the list unless it addresses multiple benefits – express in those terms for different sectors Look at the system at all times of the day / take comprehensive view Condition receipt of funds like MTC TLC on consistency w/smart mobility Reform design exception process and HDM