Northside High School College Readiness AVID Demonstration School 11 th and 12 th Grade Session
The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students will succeed in rigorous curriculum; will complete a rigorous college preparatory path; will enter mainstream activities of the school; will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges; and will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society. AVID’s systemic approach is designed to support students and educators as they increase schoolwide/districtwide learning and performance. The Mission of AVID
Most of Northside Teachers are AVID Trained in either... Their content area Critical Reading Tutorology Implementation
To help all students do rigorous work and meet or exceed high standards in each content area, we must help students: Develop as readers and writers. Develop deep content knowledge. Know content specific strategies for reading, writing, thinking and talking. Develop organizational habits, skills, and behaviors to use knowledge and skills. Meeting the Challenge
Front Section Class schedule School Calendar Pencil Bag with pencils/pens (pencil case in book bag is okay) Agenda with Homework Assignments Written Grade Analysis Course Sections (There will be four sections for every period) Administrative Materials: syllabus Learning Log /Reflections(AVID/English) Course assignments: evidence of Cornell Notes Tutorial forms for core class School-wide BINDER
Cornell Notes Repetition Process Topic: (Part 2) Questions/Main Idea Name: Class: (Part 1) Period Date: (Write questions(Place notes here - Part 3) here - Part 4) Summary (Summarize/review here Part 5)
Power School for Parents Must submit a copy of Photo ID then go online a complete request Checking on Your Child’s Grades
Graduation Project Research Paper- Completed in the 11 th grade and will conduct an interview to include in the text and begin the mentoring Process Portfolios- Students will create an organized documentation of their work beginning in the 11 th grade Physical Project- Related to topic of research paper and will take 15 hours of work time to begin 11 th and continue 12 th Presentation- present the final product before a panel of judges at the school
SAT Dates: go to College Board Average scores: 1100 composite of verbal and Math ACT: All NHS 11 th grade students test in March Average score: 23 composite Sylvan ACT Test Prep: Log in: PW: sylvanstudent TEST Dates
AP Incorporation AP Testing 11 th and 12 th grade AVID courses are now Advanced Placement courses Rigorous collegiate-like academic work Possible college credit The AP test is Test Dates: Usually begin the 1 st week of May – Dates are on College Board Website
College Foundation of North Carolina Deadlines vary Go to the college of your interest to learn college deadlines Free College Application Week November 2 nd thru 6 th s.aspx Applying For College
What, When, and How
What is the FAFSA? Free Application for Federal Student Aid Where do I go to complete the FAFSA? Online at FAFSA on the Web worksheet Complete this before going online
Available January 1 st Complete tax return as soon as you get it FAFSA on the Web Online at When to Start Applying for Aid
Required even if you don’t claim the student on your tax return Divorced or separated parents Who did the student live with more during the past 12 months? Joint custody Who provided more support during the past 12 months? Remarried Provide parent and stepparent information Parent’s Information
National Honor Society 3.6 GPA Invited 11 th Grade Year SAT SCHOLAR REFER TO HANDOUT
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