Epidermal tissue system and its diagnostic features
Epidermal tissue system Epidermis forms the outer most boundary of primary plant body Structures associated with the epidermis: Stomata Cuticle Trichomes/hairs Glands/secretory cells Idioblast cells
Functions of epidermis Stomata- concerned with Gaseous exchange Cuticle and fatty material- restrict transpiration Tough cuticle and compact cells provide definite shape to the body Epidermis having root hairs is thin walled and absorbs water (Epiblema) Site of photo-reception-plays imp role in circadian leaf movement and photoperiodic induction Epidermal protoplast stores various products of metabolism
Special types of epidermis Epidermis as periderm in mature trees - protective role Usually epidermis is single layered 2 layered epidermis- Ficus elastica Multilayered epidermis is found in Nerium leaf, Pepromia etc
Multiple epidermis- when protoderm layer of the leaf divided parallel with the surface and give rise to multiple epidermis e.g. Pepromia pereskiaefolia
Specialized cells of epidermis
Guard cells guard cells in Monocots Guard cells in Dicots dumbell shape Guard cells in Dicots Kidney shaped
Cork cells /silica cells-found in Gramineae/Cyperaceae Bulliform cells: elongated cells in epidermis of Poaceae Idioblast cells: containing tannins, oils and crystals eg in Poaceae
Cuticle deposition in epidermis
Secretory cells
Modified epidermis : Ontogeny is same as epidermis Velamen of root; multilayered epidermis which function is water storage. Epidermis with chloroplast –found in shady plants Epidermis possessing anthocyanin pigments in their vacuoles: Rhoeo dicolor