Exploring PBL Project Based Learning
PBL UNITS Engage learners Engage learners Offer real world scenarios Offer real world scenarios Product focused via group project Product focused via group project Emphasizes collaboration Emphasizes collaboration
PBL’s Design Qualities in response to WOW! Schlechty Center Content and Substance Content and Substance Organization of Knowledge Organization of Knowledge Clear & Compelling Product Standards Clear & Compelling Product Standards Protection from adverse consequences Protection from adverse consequences Product Focused Product Focused
Design Qualities cont. Affiliation – cooperative action encouraged Affiliation – cooperative action encouraged Affirmation of performance Affirmation of performance Novelty and Variety Novelty and Variety Choice Choice Authenticity – Its real! Authenticity – Its real!
Development of Projects Derived from the TEKS Derived from the TEKS Begin with the end in mind Begin with the end in mind Summarize the theme or “big ideas” for this project Summarize the theme or “big ideas” for this project Look at one major product for the project and analyze the task necessary to produce a high quality product with authenticity/real world application Look at one major product for the project and analyze the task necessary to produce a high quality product with authenticity/real world application
Development of Project cont. Create an engaging entry document to introduce project to students that include skills required early, during, and in the end to complete the project Create an engaging entry document to introduce project to students that include skills required early, during, and in the end to complete the project Plan the assessment- early, during, and end. Plan the assessment- early, during, and end.
Entry Document
Introduction to Project Students will read an entry document that include all the information that he/she will need to know to ultimately produce a group project. During the reading of the entry document the students will generate a list of skills or information that they either know, need to know, driving questions and next steps to be able to create a group project.
Components of a good Entry Document Engages learner Engages learner Clearly establishes learner role Clearly establishes learner role Provides enough information to create knows, need to knows, driving question, and next steps Provides enough information to create knows, need to knows, driving question, and next steps Informs learner of audience Informs learner of audience Establishes a clear end product Establishes a clear end product Utilizes real world scenarios Utilizes real world scenarios
UnsatisfactoryProficientAdvanced Seems unlikely to engage the learner’s curiosity Seems unlikely to engage the learner’s curiosity Fails to establish real world scenario Fails to establish real world scenario Roles seem unclear and undefined Roles seem unclear and undefined Does not lead to a list of knows, need to knows, next steps, and or driving questions Does not lead to a list of knows, need to knows, next steps, and or driving questions Does not establish a clear end product Does not establish a clear end product Engages learner’s curiosity in a realistic scenario Engages learner’s curiosity in a realistic scenario Establishes a clear role for the learner Establishes a clear role for the learner Leads to a a list of content based knows/need to knows Leads to a a list of content based knows/need to knows (breadcrumbs), next steps, and or driving quesitons Informs learners of audience Informs learners of audience Estabishes a clear end product Estabishes a clear end product In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria… Engages learners in implementing the project in a real world environment Engages learners in implementing the project in a real world environment Establishes a choice of real world roles for the learners Establishes a choice of real world roles for the learners Provides for an assessment of an outside entity or person Provides for an assessment of an outside entity or person Entry Document Development Rubric
Entry Document Know/Need-to-Know Know/Need-to-Know Next Steps Next Steps Driving Questions Driving Questions
Know / Need to Know List Use Entry Doc to help guide students to questions Use Entry Doc to help guide students to questions Vocab words, important information within document Vocab words, important information within document If students stop asking questions, go back to Knows to find any additional questions If students stop asking questions, go back to Knows to find any additional questions
Scaffolding Activities Activities and lessons that the Teacher will use to facilitate the learning of the need to knows generated by the class. Activities and lessons that the Teacher will use to facilitate the learning of the need to knows generated by the class. games, collaboration games, collaboration Oral communication Oral communication Written communication Written communication Technology/research Technology/research Content literacy Content literacy Critical thinking/Problem solving Critical thinking/Problem solving
Assessment Rubrics, checklist, models State the criteria for unsatisfactory, proficient, and advanced performance. State the criteria for unsatisfactory, proficient, and advanced performance. Recommended that Rubric information should be issued at the beginning of the implementation of project. Recommended that Rubric information should be issued at the beginning of the implementation of project.
Link to Duncanville ISD’s website with some PBL examples... htm Link to Duncanville ISD’s website with some PBL examples... htm htm htm
Thank you Acquired this information from the 1 st Annual Symposium Summer 2009