Project Based Learning Professional Learning Community
Mission ► Define Project Based Learning (PBL) ► Create a template for developing projects for the classroom ► Increase use of PBL in the classroom across the curriculum
Procedure ► Definition Project ► Supplementary, long term educational assignment necessitating personal initiative undertaken by an individual or group of students (“Project”) Project Based Learning ► The educational process that involves critical thinking, collaboration, and communication “Project.” n.p., Web. 6 Feb
Procedure (cont.) ► Survey Student and Teacher Survey Designed ► Goal Student knowledge and exposure to PBL Teacher knowledge and implementation of PBL Survey implemented in HR ► Results analyzed during PLC meetings ► Template Group consensus on PBL process and procedure for implementation
Student Survey ► Highlights: Student suggestions / comments: ► More group projects ► More diversity in choice of projects ► Fewer or no projects ► More technological opportunities within each project Google Docs PowerPoint Smartphone Etc. ► More applicable to real world scenarios ► College preparation and 21 st Century Skills
Faculty Survey ► Highlights: 86% of teachers use Project Based Learning opportunities in the classroom ► 45% use PBL up to 25% of the time ► 28% use PBL between 25% - 50% of the time ► 07% use PBL above 50% of the time ► 20% use PBL occasionally Obstacles to utilizing PBL in the classroom ► Regents Curriculum ► Focus on numbers (pass rate and mastery) ► Lack of student initiative ► Lack of common understanding of PBL
Findings & Results ► Analyzed the surveys ► Collaborated on techniques and procedures for creating a project for the classroom ► Developed an Acronym for PROJECT that represents the steps involved in creating a project
Acronym ► P lan for project ► R elevant concepts (relationship to standards) ► O bservable skills ► J ustifiable timeframe ► E valuation ► C ollaboration Criteria ► T ermination Procedure
Plan for Project ► Define : What is the final outcome/goal? Examples : Video, Presentation, Letter to editor/representative, Poster/Cartoon, PSA, Skit, Prototype, Data Analysis, Peer Debate, Interpretive Dance
Relevant Concepts ► Define: Align with current course content and standards
Observable skills and outcomes ► Define: 21 st Century Skills Examples: Collaborate, Technology
Justifiable Timeframe ► Define: Project must cover content in a reasonable amount of time. A series of check points to maintain student focus
Evaluation ► Define: An explicit set of predetermined expectations (Rubric) for project outcomes and student learning
Collaboration Criteria ► Define: Group size, individual tasks and social contracts
Termination Procedure ► Define: Due process, procedure for penalties, removal of individuals, and group disbandment