Democratic Reform and Activism p
O BJECTIVES Describe the evolution of British Democracy Explain the origin and goals of the women’s suffrage movement Trace the development of democratic institutions in France
B RITAIN E NACTS R EFORMS The Reform Bill of 1832 Upper class runs the government The new wealthy middle class demand a greater voice Suffrage The right to vote Reform Bill of 1832 Eased property law redistricted Parliament House of Lords Inheritedappointed House of Commons Male land owners
B RITAIN E NACTS R EFORMS Chartist Movement Members of the working class demanded reforms in Parliament and election, including suffrage for all men People’s Charter of 1838 Suffrage for all men Annual Parliamentary elections No open ballots End property requirements Pay members of Parliament Victorian Age Queen Victoria Took throne at year reign Height of wealth and power of the British empire Power was almost completely Parliament’s Government run by Prime Minister and cabient
W OMEN G ET THE V OTE Organization and Resistance Women on both side of the ocean work to gain the right to vote Protest unfair laws and customs Resistance grew as women became more vocal Both men and women thought women’s suffrage was too radical Militant Protests Drastic steps are taken Women’s Social and Political Union 1903 – WSPU Become the most militant organization for women’s rights Wanted to draw attention When jailed would go on hunger strikes Had to be force fed to stay alive Women in both US and UK did not gain the vote until after WWI
F RANCE AND DEMOCRACY The Third Republic Aftermath of Franco-Prussian War Change in government almost yearly 1875 National Assembly finally agrees on new government The Third Republic Lasted 60 years France remained divided Dreyfus Affair Monarchists Aristocrats Clergy Army leaders Prejudice against Jews Anti-Semitism Accused of selling secrets to the Germans Found guilty on false evidence Capt. Alfred Dreyfus
F RANCE AND DEMOCRACY Dreyfus Affair (cont.) Capt. Alfred Dreyfus Accused of selling secrets to the Germans Found guilty on false evidence Sentenced to life Later new evidence could prove him innocent, but case is not re- opened
F RANCE AND DEMOCRACY The Rise of Zionism Zionism Self-determination to establish a Jewish home state in the Jewish homeland Theodor Herzl Leader of the Zionism movement Writer from Vienna
What was the major difference between the Reform Bill of 1832 and the Chartist movement? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Why was the House of Commons a misleading name during the early 1800s? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Why did the idea of women’s suffrage seem radical in the Victorian Era? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Why was there an increase in immigration by Eastern European Jews to the United States in the later 19 th century? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________