Ancient Egypt An Introduction to this Ancient Civilization
The Great Pyramid of Giza
King Tutankhamun
Akhenaton and Nefertiti
Akhenaten…the heretic King and the Amarna Revolution Was Marfan’s syndrome a motive to revolutionize Egypt’s polytheistic religion? What role did his rule have on the future of Egypt’s religious traditions? What role did Nefertiti play during this Revolution
More images of Akhenaten…. Was he well liked? According to the official record of Pharoah’s (Abydos King List) Akhenaten’s name is not on this official list.
Monuments and Architecture
Generating Research Questions Now Create a list of 7 Research Questions! (you know you love this!) Work in a group of 2 or 3 and write your research questions on a piece of paper. Be sure to write clearly, and identify which type of question you are creating. FactualDefinitional Compare & Contrast CausalDecision MakingMoral Speculative Keep your questions simple, and think back to the images we’ve seen to drive the questions you’ll be creating. If you must, skim through your textbook to look for appropriate sub-headings to guide you. Share and classify your questions into each of the types of questions we’ve learned about. Then post these on our classroom wall.