CC Advanced Math 7 Period 4 Najera Remind Receive text messages from your child’s teacher. This is one-way communication and phone numbers are never shared. Text (562) With this
CC Advanced Math 7 Jennifer Najera (909) Jennifer Najera (909)
Homework Math homework will be issued regularly Late work and a paper with no name is penalized 50% Need to show their work on their homework, their answers should be boxed, circled, or highlighted; use pencil only Absent work – students have as many days as they were absent to turn in their missing work Homework will be due the next class meeting unless otherwise noted Assignments should be written in the Binder Reminder. Homework is written on the board in class and on the Chaparral Middle School website. Math homework will be issued regularly Late work and a paper with no name is penalized 50% Need to show their work on their homework, their answers should be boxed, circled, or highlighted; use pencil only Absent work – students have as many days as they were absent to turn in their missing work Homework will be due the next class meeting unless otherwise noted Assignments should be written in the Binder Reminder. Homework is written on the board in class and on the Chaparral Middle School website.
Standards Advance Math 7 is guided by Common Core State Standards for the 7 th Grade Accelerated Program
Interactive Journals Daily Skills Practice Notes Textbook assignments Graded periodically—focus on organization Daily Skills Practice Notes Textbook assignments Graded periodically—focus on organization
Materials Used in Class Spiral interactive notebook Textbook – piloting 3 textbooks “White Boards”, marker, and eraser Spiral interactive notebook Textbook – piloting 3 textbooks “White Boards”, marker, and eraser
Grading Weighted Grades – 65% Assessments and Projects, 35% Homework and Class work Grades available to view on parent portal May retake one test per quarter <70% for as high as an 70%. Test retakes will be near the end of each quarter. Weighted Grades – 65% Assessments and Projects, 35% Homework and Class work Grades available to view on parent portal May retake one test per quarter <70% for as high as an 70%. Test retakes will be near the end of each quarter.
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