Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium August 14, 2009 Marzano Research Laboratory A SSESSING USING THE R UBRIC.


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Presentation transcript:

Ravalli County Curriculum Consortium August 14, 2009 Marzano Research Laboratory A SSESSING USING THE R UBRIC

W HAT IS A SSESSMENT ?  Anything a teacher does to gather information about a student’s level of knowledge regarding a specific topic

T YPES OF ASSESSMENT Three types of Assessment  Obtrusive  Unobtrusive  Student - Generated

O BTRUSIVE ASSESSMENT  Assessment directed/assigned by the teacher  Instruction stops to administer assessment  Assessment can take many forms; including tests, classroom activities, assignment, projects, presentations, interviews  Scores on the assessment are taken and recorded

U NOBTRUSIVE  Teacher observes a student performing skill or process, teacher could also use data recorded by students  Better suited to skills and processes that can be observed  Instruction does not stop in the classroom  Also occurs outside of the classroom, any place the teacher can observe a student  Scores can be recorded

S TUDENT G ENERATED  Student designs assessment to demonstrate status on topic  Teacher records score and uses student demonstration as a piece of information  Student friendly version of the rubric would be an important tool

F ORMATIVE VS. SUMMATIVE  Formative and summative assessments actually don’t exist!  ANY assessment can be formative or summative –DEPENDING ON HOW THE DATA IS USED!  Formative – scores taken during the course of learning to determine where a student is at that point in time  Summative – a score taken and used to describe where a student is at the end of a course of learning

T HREE U SES OF A SSESSMENT  Formative Scores  Summative Scores  Instructional Feedback

F ORMATIVE S CORES  Taking and recording scores on assessments to determine where a student is a particular point in time  Assessment can take any form  Multiple formative scores can be used to develop a learning trend and ultimately develop a summative score  Used to track student progress towards a learning goal

S UMMATIVE S CORE  A score taken and recorded to determine where a student ends up on a learning goal  Typically used to determine and report a “grade”  Assessment can take any form  Should be used in conjunction with formative scores to determine summative score

I NSTRUCTIONAL F EEDBACK  Data from assessments used to determine and adjust course of instruction  Represents a student’s or class’s understanding or progress towards a learning goal at any point in time  Typically not recorded or scored

D ESIGNING A SSESSMENTS - O BTRUSIVE  Assessments can be designed to assess all levels of the rubrics at the same time.  Advantage – Students know what the ultimate goal is  Disadvantage – Students begin a course of learning with very low scores, but improve from there  Assessments could be designed to assess level 2.0 material first, and once mastered, move on the level 3.0  Advantage – Opportunity for individualized instruction, foundational material mastered before moving onto learning goal  Disadvantage – If used for a whole class, may hold students back that are ready to move on. Students may not have a clear picture of the ultimate goal

D ESIGNING ASSESSMENTS - UNOBTRUSIVE  Create situations that allow the teacher to observe student performing skills or processes  “Catch” students performing the skill during the course of instruction  Record data just like any other assignment

D ESIGNING ASSESSMENTS – S TUDENT GENERATED  Allow and encourage students to come up with their own way to demonstrate progress  Record data and use to help determine progress  Write a student friendly version of the rubric  Place responsibility on students to provide data or “prove” their progress to teacher