Teaching with Primary Sources Across Tennessee
Teaching with Primary Sources is the Educational Outreach program of the Library of Congress. In Tennessee, this program is administered through the MTSU Center for Historic Preservation.
T EACHING WITH P RIMARY S OURCES Promotes and facilitates the use of the primary sources available at the Library of Congress Web site Help educators engage students in inquiry through the use of primary sources
What can TEACHING WITH PRIMARY SOURCES offer you? E DUCATIONAL RESOURCES Webcasts & Newsletters on particular topics Webcasts & Newsletters on particular topics Newsletters Web site with Primary source sets, Lesson ideas, and Tools for searching and using primary sources Web site with Primary source sets, Lesson ideas, and Tools for searching and using primary sources Primary source sets Lesson ideas Tools Primary source sets Lesson ideas Tools
W HAT ELSE ? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Workshops, presentations, & institutes Workshops, presentations, & institutes Professional development credits Professional development credits Stipends for high quality lesson plans that use Library of Congress primary sources to promote student inquiry Stipends for high quality lesson plans that use Library of Congress primary sources to promote student inquiry
What kinds of primary sources are available through the Library of Congress Web site? How do I find them? What do I do with them?
EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY SOURCES Letters Diaries Photographs Newspapers Maps Oral interviews Drawings/illustrations Political cartoons Posters Sheet music Buildings Scientific data Acts of legislation Folk songs …and more!
So, where can you find them?
You can also search from here
Don’t have much time? Start with the TPS-TN Web site:
C ONTACT INFORMATION : Dr. Stacey Graham, Project Coordinator (615) Kira Duke, Specialist (615) MTSU Box 80 Murfreesboro, TN (615) Teaching with Primary Sources Across Tennessee is a partnership program of the Library of Congress and Middle Tennessee State University, and is administered by MTSU’s Center for Historic Preservation.