Intelligences, Personality Types, and Learning Styles Chapter 2
What It’s All About Different intelligences and which ones apply to you What an emotional quotient is and how it contributes to your life skills Personality types, analyzing yours and others’ Different learning styles, which one you have, and how it can improve your learning Left-brained VS right-brained and how that affects your thinking and actions
Chapter 2 = Psychology Chapter 2 is about more scientific ways to learn more about yourself Psychology = study of human nature Will look at some theories that, based on years of research, tell us how and why we behave the way that we do **when you know yourself, you can make choices, decisions and plans that are right for you** Basically what this careers course is all about!
IQ What’s an IQ test? Focuses on ability in literacy (language) and numeracy (numbers) Higher the number, the greater the potential intelligence Average = 100 IQ = intelligence quotient, a number that decides your intelligence based on a standard test
Dr. Howard Gardner Thought IQ test was too limiting Thought humans are intelligent in many different areas Identified seven kinds of intelligence, MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Think about the ways that you and others are talented – most likely their “intelligence” includes their talent
Musical Intelligence Based on how musical you are You respond to rhythm and beat You may perform vocally/instrumentally You may compose music
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Body Smart Relates to physical movement Control of body movements/balance/agility/grace/etc.
IntERpersonal Intelligence People Smart Person-to-person relationships Ability to interact with others, understand them, interpret their behaviour Notice people’s moods, feelings, thoughts without them telling you
IntRApersonal Intelligence Self Smart How well you understand yourself Ability to have insight into who you are, what you feel, why you are the way you are Can lead to high self-esteem and strength of character solve personal problems
Visual-Spatial Intelligence Picture Smart Relies on sense of sight and ability to visualize an object You can create pictures in your head
Linguistic Intelligence Word Smart Relates to words and language Written and spoken You are a highly skilled writer, have a large vocabulary, and speak many languages
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Logic Smart Ability to solve logical problems and equations mentally You are good with numbers and doing calculations
Activity Work through Activities #1-7 on p27-30 in your textbook. Write down the activity title (i.e.: Music Smart) and the statements that apply to you. Complete Activity #8 by writing a paragraph that answers the questions (5 sentences).
My Intelligences - Results Music Smart 6 Body Smart 2 People Smart 6 Self Smart 3 Picture Smart 3 Word Smart 3 Logic Smart 6
My Intelligences Music Smart I have a pleasant singing voice. I can tell when a musical note is off-key. I frequently listen to music on the radio, cassettes, or CDs. I play a musical instrument. I can easily keep time to a piece of music. I know the tunes to many songs.
My Intelligences Body Smart I like working with my hands by doing activities such as sewing, carving, model building. I frequently use hand gestures or other forms of bodily language when I am talking. People Smart My friends come to me for advice. I prefer team sports instead of solo sports. When I have a problem, I usually talk to another person about it instead of working it out on my own. I have three close friends. I would rather play games like Monopoly with other people instead of watching television or playing computer games by myself. I would rather spend time with my friends than stay at home.
My Intelligences Self Smart I like to spend time alone thinking and reflecting about my life. I like to take quizzes that enable me to learn more about myself. I keep a personal diary or journal to record my thoughts about what happens to me. Picture Smart I often see clear images when I close my eyes. I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, 3D puzzles, and mazes. I can look at an object one way and imagine what it would look like from a different angle.
My Intelligences Word Smart Books are very important to me. I enjoy playing games that involve words. Others sometimes stop and ask me to explain the meaning of a word I am using. Logic Smart I can easily compute numbers in my head. Math and science are among my favourite subjects in school. I enjoy playing games or solving brain teasers that require logical thinking. I am good with computers and enjoy working on them. I can easily see numerical patterns. I like to put things in order.