1 Sales Incentive and Commission Structure Dated- October 1, 2015
Index- Scheme Main Features Background and Objectives Monthly Incentive Payout Grid- For FSE- FSE ET/ FoS / SAM / ASM / DSM (On Individual & Team Productivity) For TM- Incentive Scheme for Immediate Supervisor of FOS (Applicable on Team Productivity) For BM- Incentive Scheme for Up line Sales Manager / Regional Manager / Location In Charge ( Applicable on Team Productivity) For RM- Incentive Scheme for Regional Leaders ( Applicable on Team Productivity) Sales = Banked Collection
Background and Objectives Background – As per current structure we were paying incentives in two parts (Monthly Incentive and Commission), based on Individual performance for APL incentives and Commission (80% on individual performance and 20% on Team performance). The requirement for introducing the new structure is to develop the habit to achieve the individual, team, branch and region’s targets. Objective – The objective is to achieve Branch wise, Region wise and National Targets by incentivizing the sales people based on their individual, Branch and Region’s Target and to motivate them to help in achieving other team’s targets. Combination of monthly incentive and commission in single payout with higher entry level and payout to achieve National targets.
Monthly Incentive Payout Grid- For FSE- FSE ET/ FoS / SAM / ASM / DSM (On Individual & Team Productivity) SlabsTarget % Range FSE 1<80% NIL 280% % 5.20% 390% % 5.86% 4100% % 6.50% 5105% % 7.15% 6110% % 7.80% 7120% % 8.45% 8130% and Above 9.10% Bumper Offer for FSEs- “If any FSE does 100% more than last month, will be eligible for Flat 50% extra incentive”. Team Clause: Team clause applicable for FSE is as below- For FSE: (<6 months) FSEs will get their full 100% incentives irrespective of TM/BM targets as per above grid For FSE: (>6 months) If FSE does his 100% target and if his team does <100% of team target, FSE will be eligible for 80% of 100% and so on for each slab. If Team Leader does 100% target, FSE will be eligible for 90% of 100% and so on for each slab. If Branch does his 100% target, FSE will be eligible for 100% of 100% and so on for each slab.
For TM- Incentive Scheme for Immediate Supervisor of FOS (Applicable on Team Productivity) Monthly Incentive Payout Grid- SlabsTarget % Range TM 1<80% NIL 280% % 1.60% 390% % 1.80% 4100% % 2.00% 5105% % 2.20% 6110% % 2.40% 7120% % 2.60% 8130% and Above 2.80% Team Clause: Team clause applicable for Team Leader is as below- If Team Leader does his 100% target and if his Branch does <100% of team target, Team Leader will be eligible for 80% of 100% and so on for each slab. If Branch does his 100% target, Team leader will be eligible for 85% of 100% and so on for each slab. If Region does his 100% target, Team Leader will be eligible for 90% of 100% and so on for each slab. If India does his 100% target, Team Leader will be eligible for 100% of 100% and so on for each slab.
For BM- Incentive Scheme for Up line Sales Manager / Regional Manager / Location In Charge ( Applicable on Team Productivity) Monthly Incentive Payout Grid- SlabsTarget % Range BM 1<80% NIL 280% % 1.00% 390% % 1.12% 4100% % 1.25% 5105% % 1.38% 6110% % 1.50% 7120% % 1.63% 8130% and Above 1.75% Team Clause: Team clause applicable for BM is as below- If BM does his 100% target and if Region does <100% of team target, BM will be eligible for 80% of 100% and so on for each slab. If Region does his 100% target, BM will be eligible for 90% of 100% and so on for each slab. If India does his 100% target, BM will be eligible for 100% of 100% and so on for each slab.
For RM- Incentive Scheme for Regional Leaders ( Applicable on Team Productivity) Monthly Incentive Payout Grid- SlabsTarget % Range RM 1<80% NIL 280% % 0.20% 390% % 0.22% 4100% % 0.25% 5105% % 0.27% 6110% % 0.30% 7120% % 0.32% 8130% and Above 0.35% Team Clause: Team clause applicable for RM is as below- If RM does his 100% target and if India does <100% of target, RM will be eligible for 80% of 100% and so on for each slab. If India does his 100% target, RM will be eligible for 100% of 100% and so on for each slab. Note: FSE will be aligned till Branch level only. Rest TM/BM/RM will be aligned at PAN India level.
Thank You