Warm up Please write the following 5 questions and answers on page 26 of your notebook. When you are done flip this paper upside down and read your free reading book! 1. Pericles helped rule which city state? 2. Pericles believed _____should include as many people as possible. 3. Name 3 things Pericles supported. 4. Pericles ruled during the ____________BCE. 5. Pericles commissioned the building of the _____.
Essential Questions!! How does where you live affect how you live? How do culture and technology reflect values? How can societies use what they have learned from the past? What happens when different cultures interact with one another? How has the relationship between citizens and their government changed?
Peloponnesian War
Who fought and when? Athens + allies vs. Sparta + allies 431BCE-404 BCE
What was each sides strategy? Sparta wanted to fight a land battle and surround Athens Pericles tells the Athenians to hide behind their walls and get supplies from their naval ships Sparta had no navy so they couldn’t prevent Athens from getting supplies
Athens Defensive Walls
PSD Pericles Funeral Oration…a PSD Honor those who fought/rally the soldiers Promote democracy “ Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority, but of the whole people. When it is a question of settling private disputes. Everyone is equal before the law; when it is a question of putting one person before another in positions of public responsibility, what counts is not membership in a particular class, but the actual ability which the man posses. No one…is kept (out of government) because of poverty. And, just as our political life is free and open, so is our day-to-day life in our relationship with each other.”
What disaster struck Athens? Plague killed 1/3 of the people, including Pericles
How did Sparta Win? They struck a deal with the Persians and got a navy They eventually destroy the city of Athens
Results of the Peloponnesian War on Greece Farms destroyed People lost their jobs City –states could never seem to get along again They were weakened and distracted and didn’t realize the Macedonians to their north were ready to invade