2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June The Europe-US International Aviation Safety Conference 2005 ‘ Aviation Safety.


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Presentation transcript:

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June The Europe-US International Aviation Safety Conference 2005 ‘ Aviation Safety Regulation – Setting the Sights for the Future’ Institutional Changes John Hickey Claude Probst

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 2 Discussion Summary  Multilateral Approaches to Aviation Safety  The Role of Bilateral Oversight Boards  Facilitating the Sharing of Aviation Safety Data  The Future of Delegation

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 3 Discussion Summary Multilateral approach to aviation safety  Today’s safety record present two situations ohigh level of safety throughout most of the world osafety shortfalls in certain areas  ICAO concentrates on improving safety level in these areas  Taking ownership of safety improvement initiatives by the concerned regions is key to success oLessons learned in other regions could bring short term easy solutions oBuy-in is nevertheless a prerequisite oICAO actions aim at stimulating responsiveness at the right level oOther regions shall assist through appropriate programs (adopt a State program?)  The Chicago Convention provides ICAO with some teeth it envisages to use to promote accountability and control the proliferation of flags of convenience.

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 4 Discussion Summary The role of Bilateral Oversight Boards  The multilateral approach to aviation safety currently concentrates on deleting regional differences.  It will take some time before the free movement of aviation products and services is organised worldwide on a multilateral basis.  To avoid unnecessary duplications/ administrative burdens on the Industry, it is necessary to develop the network of bilateral agreements.  It is universally agreed that Regulators and Industry must cooperate as regards the content and functioning of these bilaterals.

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 5 Discussion Summary The role of Bilateral Oversight Boards  Proposals/Next steps oThe structure of the bilateral agreements must ensure that the technical executive agents can fully play their role in close coordination with Industry. To facilitate that, a three tier approach to new agreements seems to be the most appropriate. oThe relationship between the EU and the US is essential for aviation safety and the cooperation mechanisms established under the JAA system provide for transitional mechanisms for Industry involvement. oNew mechanisms must be established to provide for a productive dialogue. The Industry must organise itself and forums must be identified that can maximise global participation while leveraging limited authority resources.

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 6 Discussion Summary Facilitating the Sharing of Aviation Safety Data  Continuous improvement in safety is needed to maintain public confidence as aviation system grows and changes, even in the regions with the best safety records  All stake holders, regulators, operators, manufacturers, maintenance organisations, training organisations,… have a common duty to deliver a safe civil aviation system  Safety data dissemination is necessary to combine isolated data sources and provide the system level view that is required for more prognostic decision-making  Analysis tools are important to identify precursors to hazardous events and further guide data collection  Collective action requires trust and knowledge of those that share the data, as well as appropriate protection of data reporters

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 7 Discussion Summary Facilitating the Sharing of Aviation Safety Data  A strategy for further safety improvements oAll interested parties shall work together to deliver a shared safety information system. oThis world-wide cooperative safety data sharing system shall be used for building future cooperative safety agendas oStrong safety analysis tools shall be put in place and used in a co- operative manner oRoad maps for aviation safety improvement shall be established at any appropriate level e.g. companies, organisations, countries, regions…

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 8 Discussion Summary The Future of Delegation  Changes are necessary to match today’s global environment and work sharing  Future systems must reflect that designers are ultimately responsible for the safety of their products  Future systems must aim at promoting the concept of “locally approved, globally accepted”  Experience from the manufacturing field and the industry chain of contracts for work sharing may provide for useful insight  Public and political misperceptions of regulators’ oversight role are a challenge

2005 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference, Cologne 7-9 June 9 Discussion Summary The Future of Delegation  Proposals/ Next steps oFAA and EASA are committed to expanding existing delegation and design organisation approval systems to meet the global environment oModular approach to be explored, based on the way Industry organises its work, with careful consideration of interface issues oIndustry to develop its own concept for self-qualification/audit/ ocertification, with adequate oversight by regulatory authorities FURTHER PROPOSALS ARE WELCOME !