Capacity Building in Infrastructure Management 6June, 2007 Tatsuhiko Ikeda Professor Yokohama National University
For Mid Career Engineering Professionals Started in Scholars from 23 countries have graduated successfully and have been contributing to the development of their countries. Infrastructure Management Program at Yokohama National University
Economic Growth Depends on a Continuing Increase in “Absorptive Capacity.” 1. Good Governance Law and Order Democracy Political Stability Work Ethic Strong Institutions and Human Resources 2. Technology and Management 3. Physical Infrastructure
Appropriate infrastructure management is crucial to fully utilize expensive infrastructure for the above objectives. Infrastructure plays an important role in Economic growth Improving social welfare Equitable distribution of income among people and regions Infrastructure
Background of Scholars Highways 14 Environmental Protection12 Construction Management 9 Telecommunication 8 Power and Energy 7 Urban Transport 6 Port 5 Urban Development 5 Water Supply 2 Railway 2 Irrigation 2 Others10
Multi Disciplinary Program Jointly organized by graduate school of Law Economics Business Administration Engineering Environment Stress is placed on management rather than engineering. Two Years Program leading to Masters Degree
3. Field Trips 4. Internship 5. Thesis 2. Seminars/Workshops Program Outline 1. Course Work Preparatory Training Course Specialized Curriculum Frame Work and Courses
Infrastructure Planning and Management Institutional Aspects of Infrastructure Management Globalization and Communication Systems Infrastructure Management for Sustainable Development Specialized Curriculum Frame Work
Graduates of 2005 (5th Cohort) Infrastructure Management Program