The Manchester group on DØ at the Fermilab Tevatron proton-antiproton collider Manchester ‘Christmas’ Meeting 2003 Terry Wyatt Tevatron/DØ status Manchester group activities Terry’s activities 2003 Terry’s activities 2004
The Fermilab Tevatron Collider 1.96 TeV in centre of mass Current good quality dataset for physics analysis > 200 pb -1 Hope for 2 fb -1 by end 2006: ~ 10 6 leptonic W decays ~ 10 5 leptonic Z decays ~ 2000 semi-leptonic t decays Hope for 4-8 fb -1 by end 2009 Main Injector (new) Tevatron DØCDF Chicago p source Booster CDFDØ
Tevatron performance history
The DØ Detector
Most Important Remaining Problems Tevatron: –Luminosity delivered so far much lower than hoped for DØ: –Achievable L1 trigger rate below design tracking detector readout deadtime –Calorimeter noise –Online/offline monitoring needs more development
Design: L1 L2 L3 tape 5 kHz 1 kHz 50 Hz Currently: L1 L2 L3 tape 1.5 kHz 800 Hz 50 Hz By June 2004: L1 L2 L3 tape 2.5 kHz 1 kHz 50 Hz
The Manchester DØ Group 6 PhD students: –Simon, Emily, Tamsin, James, Paul, Yu-Hsiang 2 Postocs: –Matthew*, Michiel 3 Academics: –Brian, Stefan, Terry Plus small fractions of Sabah, Scott and Dave Plus ties to: –Manchester HEP theory group: Mike Seymour and Jeff Forshaw jointly supervise Emily and James –Physics studies overlap with Manchester Atlas group * PPARC Postdoc fellowship starting later this month Ex-members of Manchester group staying in DØ: –Gavin Hesketh (PhD 2003, now Northeastern University, Boston, US) –Liang Han (starting new DØ group at USTC, P.R.China) There are DØ groups of a similar size at Imperial College and Lancaster UK-DØ rating upgraded to 9 by PPRP in 2003
Manchester Activities on DØ tracking muon id. triggering monitoring physics analysis: W/Z searches diffractive processes plus contribution of Manchester farm to DØ data processing
Terry’s Activities 2003 Employed by Fermilab as Guest Scientist (until March 2003) –Convener of the L3 trigger group –General work on developing triggers/commissioning trigger system PPARC Senior Research Fellowship (April 2003-March 2006) –Convener of DØ ‘WZ’ physics working group –Physics/technical work via collaboration with: Emily and Paul (WZ physics) Simon and Liang (tau tagging) Liang and Yu-Hsiang (track trigger) CDF+DØ combined electroweak working group –Electroweak review speaker at Lepton-Photon conference Blah, blah: –Chair of DØ ‘Institutional Board’ (elected) –Member of DØ ‘Advisory Council’ (ex officio) –Member of DØ ‘Computing Policy Board’ –Contact person/budget holder for UK-DØ group –Manchester DØ group admin. Non-DØ work –Referee for Phys.Rev.D and Phys.Rev.Lett. –Member of LHCC
Terry’s Activities 2004 My main aim is to analyse data myself !! (as well as continuing to work with members of the Manchester group and fulfill my various organizational responsibilities to DØ) W/Z leptons: –physics analysis e.g., σBr (W l ) / σBr (Z ll) e.g., Br (W e ) / Br (W ) –statistical uncertainty ~1 per mille –a vehicle to: understand detector performance develop triggers and measure their performance understand QCD phenomenology of proton-antiproton collisions –essential (for DØ as a whole) to get non-Fermilab-based analysis up and running genuine collaboration on analysis within European groups would be a very positive development in this regard