Action Scotland Against Stalking Launched in 2009 With the overall aim: To have stalking recognised as a victim defined crime within Scotland, England & Wales and Europe. To give victims a voice and a place within the criminal justice system. 2010: onwards To promote the effective implementation of the l aw. To promote the rights of victims.
UK Response to Stalking Scotland The ‘Offence of Stalking’ was introduced into Scottish law as part of the Criminal Justice & Licensing (Scot) Act England & Wales The ‘Offence of Stalking’ was introduced into England & Wales as an amendment into the existing 1997 Harassment Act (Protection of Freedoms Act 2012)
Scottish Government Victim & Witnesses Act 2014 Stalking victims Highlighted as vulnerable witness entitled to automatic special protection measures. Stalking victims are automatically highlighted on the vulnerable victims Data Base
European Response to Stalking Europe 2011, Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence: Sec 34; Specifically Itemises Stalking Council of Europe and the European Convention: Item 34 European Protection Orders (June 2013) ” “A new agreement means that protection orders issued in one European Union country will be automatically recognised in all EU states, with no extra formalities ” (Extract from the European Parliament Copyright © euronews 2013)
Existing Partnership Working The Scottish Government Crown Prosecution Services Scottish Police Force Victim Support Scotland Scottish Women’s Aid Rape Crisis Scotland VAW Multi Agency Partnerships Local Council Community Safety Partnerships. Scottish Colleges Schools and Universities. NHS Scotland Moira Anderson Foundation Amis ( domestic abuse for men) Suzy Lamplugh Trust. London. The Home Office. London The European Commission The Council of Europe. Victim Support Portugal Victim Support Europe