FED optical cabling issues Matthew Pearson
Meeting with Jan and Francois at tracker week Discussed the TTC splitter and optical cabling paper design from Diamond –TTC Splitter This will take as input the TTC signal, and distribute to FED boards. Will be 6U or 9U VME module (passive) to be placed in FED crate. HCAL would prefer a 9U variety. Jan says he can produce both if needed. Can be either 16 or 32 way. We would need 32-way, as a few crates have more than 16 FEDs in them, and we need the safety margin in case we increase FEDs. Type of optical cable not yet defined. Can be single or multi-mode. Cost: CHF per board. It was thought that putting the TTC splitter in the middle of a FED crate would be the best solution in terms of cabling (see next slides). –Optical cabling design from Diamond See pictures on next slides. Missing TTC cable and crate controller cable. Diamond will finalise the paper design by end of March and produce a cost estimate for prototyping. Design looks good so far.
TTC Splitter Proposal: TTC splitter should be placed in middle of FED crate. Cable into TTC Splitter: The TTC cable would travel up the side of FED rack Into and across cable tray. Then down into TTC splitter. Cables from TTC splitter to FEDs: Cable would go from TTC splitter front panel, up to the cable tray. Then across cable to FED position. Then down from cable tray to FED. Any objections/suggestions? If not: TTC splitter will be a 32-way 9U board sitting in middle of FED crate.