18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN1 Detector Description status report Laurent Chevalier Stefania Spagnolo.


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Presentation transcript:

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN1 Detector Description status report Laurent Chevalier Stefania Spagnolo

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN2 Present situation R_Light_01_01 (R): inATL-CSC –primary numbers coming from drawings –we need to keep these reference numbers to allow cross check and debugging with Alignment software R_Light_01_01_EGG(R'): –egg shape (7.5 mm in vertical direction, Barrel except BEE) all MDT chambers barrel & end cap are moved, except BEE R_Light_01_01_EGG_RNDM (R”): inATL-CSC  egg shape, overestimated (close to ~4mm)  shifts: ~1mm in 3 space directions, underestimated (~2 to 4 mm)  tilts: ~1mrd in 3 space directions, underestimated (~2 to 4 mrad)

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN3 Saddle Small & big wheel supports MDT barrel supports CSC supports ID patch panels Access platforms Platforms sector 13 Services (cable tray...)....  B lack already in primary numbers (AMDB) but not in GeoModel/G4  Red not yet implemented anywhere, lack of man power Missing dead matter elements

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN4 Active & Dead matter Part (1) Active part: New chain, clean, from primary numbers to SQL files –NTU Athena / Saclay share the job –SQL files are easier to update Oracle DB –CSC cosmic set-up, done in that way –need to validate this new path with r_01_01 –need to update primary numbers in Oracle Dead part : –primary numbers already in Oracle –need to write access code –implementation of BREP's & Boolean

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN5 Dead part : – –Source-to-source translator written to automatically go from XML to C++ prototype ok (Saddle) update on BREP's & Boolean in place – –Work to be done to validate the new path show-stopper: graphical tool to debug GeoModel for operation on BREP'S & Boolean is on going need to validate G4 new volumes read at initialisation phase primary numbers from oracle DB validation for an already existing volume (ex.: Voussoirs) with muons update all dead matters parameters full validation ~10 parameters~100 parameters Active & Dead matter Part (1)

6 Alignment Constants Built-in GeoModel capability: Built-in GeoModel capability: AlignableTransform = NominalTransform x DeltaTransform MuonSpectrometer-R-Light-Egg-Rndm  A-lines available in the “static” geometry DB along with P-lines;  Successful test of the implementation of DeltaTransforms from amdb conventions about A-line parameters  good agreement between MuonGeoModel and Amdc  Muonboy reconstructs successfully data simulated for the CSC effort ID and LAr geometries, in CSC setup, are init from a geometry DB without misalignments, then they read alignments as condition data (single data set valid for full CSC production) Real life and Condition Data Challenge MuonGeoModel will get P-lines from the static geometry DB and A-lines from the Condition DB using the Interval of Validity Service MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN7 Real life and Condition Data Challenge In Practice: current software available in MuonConditions/MuonCondGeneral  the Service, created by the Application Manager, initializes the Tool  the Tool, init-time, registers for call back its methods (loadAlignXline) against the X-line data in the cond. DB (X=A,B)  loadAlignXline (called by the IoVdbSvc)  decodes the Cond.DB X-line blob; stores X-line collections in StoreGate;  provides A-lines to the MuonGM::MuonStations which update their DeltaTransforms  first version for COOL 1.3 (atlas-rel. ≤12.0.5);  revised for COOL 2.0(13.0.0); data still in the test DB dev10;  MuonGeoModel side ready  Data preparation and reconstruction will always get the updated geometry  nothing to do for clients which do not cache geometrical quantities MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues Monica Verducci

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN8 Exercise for Real life and Condition Data Challenge Test of the implementation with COOL2 (13.0.0)  A-lines from R’’ in dev10 with IoV: run 7218, ev. 0-10,  wrong A-line set with IoV: run 7218, ev no A-line valid between 21 and 30  run 7218 single muons pt = 20 GeV/c simulated with ATLAS-CSC  Dump the geometry from MGM init with R’’ (R + Egg shape + A-lines);  Dump the geometry as seen by MGM init with R’ (R + Egg no A-lines) in ev. 1 of run 7218 (updates got from condDB);  Comparison OK  Update of the geometry OK in run 7218  at run start (ev. 1)  between ev. 10 and 11  between 29 and 30  need to define what action has to be taken at ev. 21 (IoV end but no data valid for ev. 21) MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues

9 Design issues Alignment Svc and Tool are a Muon specific option GeoModelSvc provides utilities fo driving alignment mechanism via IoVSvc  GeoModel users can update their cache (if any) after GeoModelSvc::Align which registers for call backs the abstract Alignment method of the IGeoModelTool  allows the use of cond. data in simulation Drawbacks of MuonAlignmentSvc and Tool + GeoModelSvc for ID+LAr  how to use muon cond. data in simulation ?  combined reco clients caching geometry need to register their cache updating methods after GeoModelSvc::Align and MuonAlignmentTool::Align Solution under study:  Implement standard GeoModelSvc utilities via methods of MuonAlignmentTool (A and Blines in storegate for everybody use)  Keep the MuonAlignmentSvc to activate the MuonDetectorTool for MuonBoy standalone applications (where GeoModel is not used) MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues with Monica V.

Muon Week - CERN10 Deformation Constants No Built-in GeoModel capability Access to B-lines from the Cond.DB can follow the same approach as for A-lines once B-lines are read, a pointer to them is assigned to the class describing the corresponding MDT multilayer - to be done (minimal intervention) – Use of B-lines in MuonGeoModel Too heavy implementing them in raw-geometry Deformations must be treated in Readout Geometry (MDT multi-layers only)  a first implementation in place in MGM (under test)  all deformations except wire sagging can be described with tilt and shift of individual tubes in the multilayer  full MDT tube transform comes from (first to last):  nominal (translations only) tube_to_multilayer  delta_deformation - add tilt and shift in the multilayer frame (B-lines)  nominal multilayer_to_station  delta_station_alignement (A-lines)  nominal station_to_global (P-lines) MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions Deformations EDM Raw geometry issues Ivan Logachenco

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN11 Ivan Logachenco twist

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN12 Ivan Logachenco RO cross-plate sagging RO cross-plate sagging

Deformation Constants Deformations for reconstruction clients  reconstruction typically uses  tubePos()  transform(Identifier Id), surface(Identifier Id), normal(Identifier Id)  which all use the tube full transform  directly account for deformations  wire-sagging will be handled in the RioCreators since SaggedLineSurfaces are associated to MDT tubes (under test) Plans for testing deformations in Readout Geometry (including wire sagging)  simulate single muons with a nominal geometry layout (R-light)  digitize by emulating chamber distortions  convert the hit local coordinates into nominal global coordinates  point belonging to the track  convert the global position into local coordinates in tilted and shifted tube (according to B-lines)  use the new local coordinates to compute drift time  reconstruct assuming B-lines  code in the digitizers  for handling wire sagging on demand available – samples available for testing these days  for other deformations on demand under way – based on available MuonGeoModel methods Ivan Logachenco MuonGeoModel run-time Conditions Deformations EDM Raw geometry issues

14 MuonGeoModel New Tracking Geometry interfaces surfaces, bounds, normals, center, transform( tube/strip dependent methods)  Requested by generic track fitters and tracking (pattern recognition) tools  all implemented (refinements needed for TGC phi strips)  MDT  from StraitLIneSurface with cylindrical bounds (working fine)  to SaggedLineSurface (+ SaggingLineDescriptor) with cylindrical bounds per each tube  optimize the number of descriptors – needs testing  RPC  PlaneSurface with rectangular bounds per gas-gap and per view (first local coord. is the one measured) – parallel strips - OK  CSC  PlaneSurface with trapezoidal bounds – per gas-gap and per view – parallel strips – OK  TGC  PlaneSurface with trapezoidal bounds per gas-gap and per view – parallel wire-gangs BUT almost pointing phi strips  measuring phi, not local cartesian x  An option under study: use a disc surface with trapezoidal bounds for phi-surfaces  some work needed in the new tracking geometry primitives run-time Conditions Deformations EDM Raw geometry issues

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN15 MuonGeoModel Status of Clashes  Wrong implementation of primary numbers: no much to do other than fixing  Missing description of cutouts  In dead matter many difficult shapes:  BREPS help;  automatic translation of amdb xml to GeoModel is difficult unless many(!) booleans are used (implications for G4 to be studied) Cutouts in Amdb Cutouts in Amdb are described for station components  in MuonGeoModel can be implemented with boolean operations  BUT must be propagated to  the embedding station mother volume (avoided using assembly for the station; cost 10% extra memory per event in simulation - done)  all child volumes in the hierarchy (will be done using the std cutout tool in GeoModelKernel from Vakho T. for everything but MDT tubes)  cutouts in MDT to be done with sub-multilayers of different length (done for BOG only) run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN16SummarySummary Active Part: MDT,RPC,TGC,CSC: more or less ~ok –except Tomograph information: Huge work need to be done with the MDT constructor institute –BIR,Struts,...need to be updated Dead matter Part: –huge work needed, debug clashes in G4, lack of man power BREP's & Boolean GeoModel/G4 validation & tests of the new path Graphical tool to debug GeoModel is on going work New set of primary numbers should be produced –change the chamber displacement range (barrel & End-cap) –Dead matter should be moved &/or increased also all barrel coils are not in drawing place

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN17 MuonGeoModel summary validation OK for active elements access and use of run time conditions: done optimization of the design needed test of the implementation OK so far deformations utilities in place needs test, check of conventions, check MGM vs Amdc emulation in the digitizer in progress EDM requirements met optimization for TGC to come (out of MuonGeoModel scope for the moment) clash clean-up cutout tools available xml to GeoModel parser to be fully tested fix, fix, …

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN18 No Woman, No cry (BobMarley) No Woman, No Man Power (laurent) A. Ailiopoulos50% A.Barashkou 5% M.Koratzinos100% last 5 months 0% D.Pomarede 5% JF.Laporte 10% S.Spagnolo 30% V.Tsulaia 5% Total FTE : 1.05 !!!! parameters 7000 m2 chambers 1000 tons of dead matter Today

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN19 extra material

18/04/2007Muon Week - CERN20 MuonGeoModel Geant4 Assemblies  groups of volumes linked by a common transform (without an envelop)  Geo2G4 translates GeoPhysVolumes with material “Ether” into G4 Assemblies  would be ideal for stations  no need to propagate component cutouts to the embedding station  a switch to use assemblies for (some) stations in MuonGeoModel - done  assemblies for stations need a new identification scheme to be shared by MuonGeoModel and G4 Sensitive Detectors – done  Memory allocated per event by the simulation of the Muon Spectrometer  standard (no assemblies) 390 MByte  assemblies for all stations 600 MByte (unfeasible)  assemblies for BOG with cutouts 394 MByte - done  assemblies for all stations with cutouts 440 Mbytes - done run-time Conditions DeformationsEDM Raw geometry issues