SunBury Shores By: Ryan
History of Sunbury Shores! 139 Water St. St. Andrews, NB E5B 1A7 Ph: (506) Fax: (506) Web: Blog: Daily, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm (July-August) Mon - Fri, 10:00 am - 4:30 pm (September - June) Open all year It’s beginning in 1964 the they have played a key role in the development of a strong arts in the community of St. Andrews. There crazy arts and crafts, they want to feel the connection in art, for every one!
My Star. This piece of work had taken me at least two and a half hours.
My Tree I had made this tree in one hour. It was my second piece of work I had done.
Sodering iron This is used to melt the metal to spread on you work.
Copper Foil. This type of foil is used to rap around the sides of the glass work.
Glass cutter This is to cut the class, so you can cut out the shapes and size you want.
Glass grinder A glass grinder is used to grind glass down to fit the right size, also so that they do not get sharp.
Where did stained glass come form? No one knows where stained glass came from all they know is that early days it started in churches.
Glass. For Stained glass you can use old recycled glass.
My friends work! Joel's to the Right Jades right above!
Thanks! Thank you for watching My slide show!
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