Connecting with your Community Facilitator: Bronwyn Collard Waitakere Area Schools Improvement Project 29 April 2011
Goal / Purpose To explore different pathways for developing connections with your school’s community The Home School Partnership website The Reading Partnership
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, people, people! He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata! These people are ‘at home’ in their own school WHANAU students, parents, families, teachers, staff The whole family is enrolled in a school
Possible ways of working Developing relationships with specific groups (e.g. a migrant community) Fostering Oral Language Proficiency Developing HSP through “The Reading Partnership” Reporting to Parents Working with MoE resources
Home page HSP website
Code practices √ in place √ √ working well √ √ √ working really well * not in place What policies & practices already exist in your school?
Oral Language Resources 4 statements “The One Hand Approach” question 4 statements
Key Messages for Parents You are your child's first and best teacher. You have the skills and knowledge to help your child learn and grow. Your wonderful language and experiences are gifts you can share. Every moment, for a child, is a learning moment. Taking part in the Home–School Partnership programme benefits your child, the school, and you. It's simple, it's free, and you can do it. You do need commitment and understanding. Your child needs what you have to give.
The Home School Partnership website Literacy Modules to select from
A Reading Partnership Using first language strengths to develop literacy
Supporting Your Child’s Learning (booklets /pamphlets) How would you use these resources?
AKO Reciprocal teaching and learning
Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora te iwi With your food basket and my food basket, everyone will have enough. Every one of us has treasures to share What may seem simple can often be the best treasure of all Every strand is needed to weave the basket Partnerships through genuine sharing, hospitality, reaching out to others