What a Good Leader Looks Like
communication Communication is the ability to express yourself and communicate. Ana Canseco was host of the univision morning talk show (despierta america), She was the host of the Echate pa'ca, she can communicate and express herself and talk about important thigs.
Honesty Tell the truth and do not lie. Jesus is honest because when he make a miracle,he did not say he did it by himself if not that was done by god.
intelligence Having knowledge and understanding you need to perform well. Bill gates at the age of 17 made his first computer program and sell it to his school and make a profit.
Inspiring Cause others to want to do more and better. Steve Jobs Started Apple in a garage and inspire to make apple a big company.
Credits (Ana) wikipedia: co (Jesus)Divine revelation: esus_Christ_Pictures.htm (Bill gates) computer sight : about-bill-gates/ about-bill-gates/ (Steve jobs) about my world and yours : inspirational-facts/