Notes: Synthesizing Information from Multiple Sources The backside is the MEAL Template Sample MEAL Paragraph HAVE THE FOLLOWING NOTES ON YOUR DESKS Sample MEAL Organization Paragraph M= Stress affects teenagers differently than adults because an adult’s pre-control cortex is more developed than a teenager’s. E= “This means that adolescents have a brain that is wired with an enhanced capacity for fear and anxiety, but is relatively underdeveloped when it comes to calm reasoning” (Friedman 1). A=This shows that a teenager will respond more intensely to stress than an adult will. E= “A sense of control decreases the stress response” (Sapolsky 2). A= If less control equals more stress, and teenagers have less control, then teenagers will have a stronger stress response than adults will.
The school stressor article (it’s green!) The social media article (it’s salmon…orangeish-pink) EVEN MORE….
Put your name on it (yes, you are turning this in) Give it this title: Teen Stressors MEAL Organizer HAVE A BLANK SHEET OF LINED PAPER ON YOUR DESK
PROMPT: WHAT IS CAUSING TEENS THE MOST STRESS? School Stressor Article Social Media Article Your brain. Your theory or conclusion on what is causing teens the most stress.
What will be new this time? You will be writing it on lined paper in paragraph form instead of on a template from me. You will be labeling the evidence and analysis. YES…AND NOW WE ARE ADDING TO IT
Label the evidence and analysis of your paragraph E1,A1E2, A2 Include MLA in-text citations. E1 “direct quote from the article” (Shapiro 2). A1 Your analysis of how the evidence proves your point. E2 “direct quote from the OTHER article” (“Poll of U.S. Teens 3”). A2 Your analysis of how the evidence proves your point. PROMPT: WHAT IS CAUSING TEENS THE MOST STRESS? Citation if author is known Shortened title of the article if author is not known
Paragraph Template: Answer the prompt (include a stressor from school AND a stressor from social media). E1 “direct quote from the article that shows social media (or school) is causing stress” (Shapiro 2). A1 Your analysis of how the evidence proves this is a stressor for teens. E2 “direct quote from the OTHER article” (“Poll of U.S. Teens 3”). A2 Your analysis of how the evidence proves your point. PROMPT: WHAT IS CAUSING TEENS THE MOST STRESS?