Doctoral theses CERIF-CRIS or Repository? Anne Asserson & Tor Øyvind Fosse, University of Bergen, Norway
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 CRISTIN (Current Research Information System in Norway) one database for all research performing institutions that are publicly funded in Norway CRISTIN could become a national portal of thesis if all institutions are recording them Metadata in Frida/CRISTIN and link to (limited volume of) full text in the local OA repository
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 Why CRISTIN? Overlap of publications in all categories in three sectores
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 CRISTIN – dr.thesis from UiB Doctoral thesis together with publications are part of the annual budgeting at the Norwegian research institutions. Doctoral thesis are an important part of the institutional Research output Institutions have a special responsibility to promote thesis Peer reviewed, but considered grey material Combination of grey and white literature Full text should be available
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November years of Dr.thesis at UiB Egil Alvsaker "A modified Waksman Procedure and its Application to Soil Samples from Western Norway" 1964 Flora MacDonald Hartveit, M.B., Ch.B. "Experimental Studies on the Immune Response to Ehrlich's Ascites Carcinoma” The first female dr.thesis at the University of Bergen.
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 Doctoral Thesis at UiB 3200 thesis from 1949 to 2010 Monographs Collection of articles with an introduction and 3-6 articles where some are published and some submitted + Within natural sciences and medicine these include peer reviewed articles ( 50%)
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 Patent Thesis PROJECT ORGUNIT PERSON Result_Publication Equipment Books articles
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010
Thesis record with outward links
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010
Data sets CRISTIN
euroCRIS member meeting, Praha, 9th November 2010 Issues Doctoral thesis often stored in special repositories. Should be linked to person, organisation, event, facility, equipment and publications. In an Open Access repository the THESIS are made public available. Should the articles embedded in the thesis also automatically be made publicly available? The full text is usually stored in a repository eg Dspace/Eprint or other. Is this the best solution?