BY: Kelly Goudreau & Samantha Leal World Book map of Monaco =lr002974
Located south of France in western Europe Official language is French; also speak Italian, English and few speak local language Monégasque 47% of population is French; 16% Monégasque; another 16% is Italian; remaining 21% over 100 different countries 90% population Roman Catholic
Border: -French Alps -Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean climate Summer hot; 79°f (26°c) Winter mild; 46°f(8°c) A map showing were Monaco is located in Europe.
Celebrate many religious holidays Saint Johns Day Monégasque National Holiday- celebrate independence Grimaldi family ruled Monaco France controlled Monaco in 1793 The place where the Grimaldi family lived.
Monte Carlo Casino built 1878 Opera House built 1879 Roman Catholic Cathedral Fancy hotels & big flower gardens Main dish; spaghetti á la Monégasque The Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco.
Louis Chiron race car driver( ): -turn on track named after him Jaques Cousteau oceanographer ( ): -invented Aqua Lung -today scuba diving tool Grace Kelly Princess of Monaco( ): – Married prince Rainier III 1956 – Died in car accident Sept. 14, adItem&g2_itemId=4125&g2_serialNumber=1 articles/issues/ / gif g Grace Kelly Jaques Cousteau Louis Chiron
Two hotels in Monaco.
"Monaco." World Book Discover. World Book, Web. 28 Oct CultureGrams Online Database: Subscriber Area Only. Web. 28 Oct