INEQUALITIES Focus 7 7 th Grade Math
Math Notebook - Table of Contents DateTitlePage 2/4/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.1Fresh Left 2/5/14Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.2Fresh Left 2/7/14 Focus 7 Common Core Inv. 3.3Fresh Left 2/10/14Focus 7 CMP2- Variables and Patterns 3.1Fresh Left 2/11/14Focus 7 CMP2- V&P 3.2Fresh Left
Inequalities Learning Goal Students will be able to extend their knowledge of equations to include solving and graphing inequalities on a number line. Students will be able to solve real world problems involving equations and inequalities.
Today, my learning target is to… Write two-step equations to represent relationships between variables and describe how the pattern of change shows up in a table, a graph, or an equation Use tables, graphs, and equations to answer questions All of the equations in Problem 3.1 involved only one arithmetic operation, namely multiplication. This problem builds on Problem 3.2 by presenting relationships whose equations involve two arithmetic operations. The reasoning process used to write the equations is the same.
MY PROGRESS CHART Before we start the Learning Target Lesson, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much prior knowledge do you have regarding that goal? Chart your prior knowledge using your pre-target score icon.
Getting Reading for 3.2 Think back to the last problem. Say a van is traveling at 50 miles per hour. How do you find the distance traveled in 3 hours? Multiply 50 times 3 So you only needed to use one operation, multiplication. Now think about the group-admission price. What calculations do you need to do to find the admission price for a group of 8 people? Multiply 8 by 10 and then add 50. So, for this situation, you need to use two operations, multiplication and addition.
What are the variables involved in the relationship? number of people in the group, admission price Which letters stand for the variables? n is the number of people and p is the price. Which is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable? Why? The price depends on the number of group members, so price is the dependent variable and number of people is the independent variable. How do you find the price for a given number of people? Start with $50 and add $10 times the number of people. How could you show this in an equation? p = n or p = 10n + 50 Show me how you would use your equation to find the price for 25 people. Which operation do you do first? Substitute 25 for n to get p = Multiply 10 and 25, and add 50.
Today, I achieved my learning target by… Writing one-step equations to represent relationships between variables and describe how the pattern of change shows up in a table, a graph, or an equation Using tables, graphs, and equations to answer questions
MY PROGRESS CHART After the completion of the Learning Target, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much has your understanding of the Learning Target changed? Did your understand increase or decrease? Chart your current knowledge using your Post-target score icon.
7th Grade Math Focus 7 Homework ACE # 1