FBAG- Catchment Planning Floods Directive and Flooding Bill Flood Risk Management Planning
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Floods Directive The Directive requires action by member states in three main areas- Preliminary flood risk assessment Flood hazard/Risk mapping (Catchment) flood risk management planning Flood Risk Mapping Catchment Management plan/strategy Flood Risk assessments
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Timetable Draft Bill- June 2008 Up to 2+ years developing secondary legislation and guidance.
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Resilience ‘resilience’ ’
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning EU Floods Directive Implementation Option 1
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Flood Management planning Many elements to flood risk management planning Different types of plans will be required Different bodies (or groups of bodies) responsible for different plans or parts of plans. Two dominant types of plans Strategic plans and Implementation plans Plans must work in harmony- requires careful planning (e.g. timing) and collaboration
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Strategic Plans- Competent SEPA Sets framework for addressing significant flood risk through sustainable approaches to flood management Implements EU Flood directive Sets policy framework Preliminary Flood risk assessments and identification of significant risks Flood risk mapping Integrate with other plans and objectives (e.g. WFD) Sets objectives and summarises measures Identifies requirements for implementation plans Timetable
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Implementation Plans- appropriate responsible authority More detailed appraisal and planning of measures within specific catchments. Used to deliver the objectives outlined in the strategic plan Could include- Integrated Urban Drainage Plans Local Authority Flood Alleviation Plans, Forestry Plans Key Role for LA in producing local implementation plans
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Integrated water and land management EU and National Legislation Flood Risk Directive, Water Framework Directive, WEWS, Flood Protection... National Policy Framework Sustainable Flood Management, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, urban and rural land management… Land use and development planning Water management and regulation Projects and implementation Water regulations (CAR) Water Utility Plans Local and National development planning Rural Development Plans Forestry Plans Strategic Drainage Plans Flood Management Plans (Strategic) Flood Management Plans (Strategic) River Basin Management Planning (WFD) Flood Management Plans (Implementation) Flood Management planning
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Flood Management Planning What scale should plans be produced over? Strategic plans Could be based on the Sub-Basin districts defined under for the WFD. Implementation plans Scale should not be fixed- should be should set at an appropriate scale for implementation planning purposes
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Flood Management Planning Current WFD sub-basin districts
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Local Authority Flood Alleviation Plan Catchment focused plan of alleviation works to address identified significant flood risk. Should be viewed as a sub-plan of the Area Flood Management Plan Strategic Plan Implementation
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Flood Risk Management Planning Flood Risk Management Plan/strategy Lead- Competent Authority Implementation Lead- Appropriate Responsible Authority Advisory Groups Stakeholder Forums Steering Group Flood Risk assessments Flood Risk Mapping Implementation/ implementation plans Catchment Management plan/strategy Data Collation/ catchment understanding The implementation of measures would be taken forward by the appropriate responsible authority. Implementation plans, for instance integrated urban drainage plans or Local Authority alleviation plans, may be required to help organise and plan the implementation of some measures. These plans would be set within the context of the wider Flood Risk Management Plan. The competent authority would fulfil a strategic, coordinating role in flood management. They would be responsible for delivering flood risk assessments, flood maps and Flood Management plans. Responsible authorities would have a duty to actively support production and delivery of this work. This work would be supported by advisory groups with representation from all responsible authorities and stakeholder forums.
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning EU Floods Directive Implementation Option 1
Flooding Summit FBAG- Catchment Planning Alternative SEPA – Responsible for Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Mapping and production of a National Plan LA- Responsible production of Catchment Plans Includes- duty to determine significant risk These plans would cover all forms of flood risk management and duties not undertaken by LA’s, e.g. flood warning. Potential for 50+ catchment plans SEPA would be responsible for collating these plans and producing a plan to submit to Europe.