LANGUAGE The most widely spoken language in Latin America is Spanish. However, Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. English, and French are also spoken in some smaller countries.
ETHNICITY The largest ethnic group in Latin America is Hispanic. There is also a large group of Native American. Mestizo: a blend of Spanish & Native American. The two big colonizers of Latin America were Spain and Portugal
RELIGION The largest religion in Latin America is Roman Catholic. Protestant and Native religions are in the minority.
Belief Systems Strong sense of loyalty to family Emphasis on Social Status Personal Honor Individual Freedom
Customs / Traditions Latin American Society still displays traces of machismo ( Spanish and Portuguese tradition of male supremacy). Although that has been changing in recent years.
Television Popular in Latin America is the Telenovela. A telenovela is a limited run dramatic show with a continuing story.
Reading There is a wide variety of reading in Latin America just as there is in any other region.
Educational Values Quality of Education varies: Children are usually required to finish elementary school. Many do not however because of... Long distance to school Lack of money for supplies They quit to get a job to help the family However, Gains have been made and Literacy rates are rising
Music Latin American music encompasses a wide variety of styles, including influential genres such as rumba, salsa, merengue, tango, samba and bossa nova. rumbasalsamerenguetangosambabossa nova Examples of Popular music: watch?v=vsmBcH_SoIU watch?v=vsmBcH_SoIU
Food Latin America has various cuisines that vary from nation to nation. Typical Items include Corn-based dishes (tortillas, tamales, tacos, pupusas, arepas) and various salsas and other condiments (guacamole, pico de gallo, mole, chimichurri, chili, aji, pebre). These spices are generally what give the Latin American cuisines a distinct flavor.