Natural Resource Program Center Benthic Habitat Mapping Workshop June, 2008 Inventory and Monitoring Where do we go from here?
Natural Resource Program Center The I&M program was established in 1993 and designed to be completed in 2 phases: –Phase 1 Inventory – Completion of basic inventories common to all parks containing significant natural resources. –Phase 2 inventory – Other “specialized” inventories (i.e., those important to a subset of parks) were to be deferred to a later time or completed with other funding sources. I&M program History
Natural Resource Program Center Planning efforts in FY 2003 identified a total of 2,767 outstanding basic inventory datasets that needed to be completed for the 270 I&M parks. By the end of FY 2010, projections are that approximately 2,540 (92%) of those outstanding datasets will have been completed. Status of Service-wide Inventories
Natural Resource Program Center It is now timely to begin “laying the groundwork” for undertaking other, non- basic inventories in the future. Limited funding should be provided for various pre-operational inventory activities, e.g.: Protocol/methodology development Data management Pilot/demonstration projects Initiation of Phase 2 Inventories
Natural Resource Program Center A programmatic decision was made in 2007 to allocate an amount NTE 5% of available inventory funding for new, non-basic inventories. During its December 2007 meeting IMAC recommended that the “5 %” funding be allocated to submerged lands inventories for the next 5 years. “5%” Funding Allocation
Natural Resource Program Center Objective - - Maintain a high degree of quality control and accountability to insure data are consistent with NPS needs. –Identify and develop standardized protocols and methodologies. –Define data precision and accuracy standards for inventory data elements. –Establish uniform reporting guidelines and procedures to provide effective oversight and direction for contractors. Lessons Learned- Attributes of an Effective Inventory Program
Natural Resource Program Center Objective - - Maintain inventory data in a format which maximizes its utility and applicability throughout the NPS –Define a nominal capability in terms of inventory data analysis and reporting. –Develop data administration guidelines which insure effective archiving and timely updating of field data. –Develop protocols for exchanging inventory data and information among parks and cooperators. Lessons Learned- Attributes of an Effective Inventory Program (continued)
Natural Resource Program Center Initial “seed” Funding – The intent is to provide $300,000 - $400,000 per year toward development of the benthic habitat mapping initiative. “Operational” funding – Other sources of funding will be needed for the initiative to become fully operational. Stay on Message – Spend the time and effort at the outset to define what the inventory is to accomplish and what specific products will be provided to parks. “Inventory Creep” – Avoid adding new products or requirements after the inventory program has been initiated. Important Points to Keep In Mind