Dinosaurs are giant lizards that lived about 230 million years ago. These dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago. Many scientists think this was because a comet hit Earth. The scientists think this because a crater appeared about 65 million years ago at the time the dinosaurs became extinct. When the comet hit the ground, the dust came up to the sky and blocked the sun. That means the plants can’t grow and die so the herbivores don’t have anything to eat so the herbivores die and the carnivores don’t have anything to eat so they die and so the omnivores don’t have anything to eat and they die.
I would compare a T-rex to a Komodo dragon. Both the T-rex and Komodo dragon are carnivores. A carnivore eats only meat. Both the T-rex and the Komodo dragon lay eggs. A T-rex and a Komodo dragon look very similar as they both have a tail, have four legs and have scaly skin. A T-rex eats food by just biting. A Komodo dragon eats food by spreading bacteria from it’s mouth to kill them then eating them. Komodo Dragon T-rex
I would make a machine called the “bone transporter”. The bone transporter will have see-through eyes to see bones that are underground. It will then drill underground to reach the bones. Then it will pick up bones with hands made of sponges so it won’t break the bones. It will then but it in boxes and put the boxes in it’s back. It will then teleport back to the museum or lab.
If I was to catch a Pterodactyl with only a blanket, fishing rod and a garbage bin, this is how I would do it: 1.I would use the fishing rod with a fish on the hook to lure the Pterodactyl. 2.When it gets close enough, I would cover it with a blanket so that it won’t be able to see and fly 3. I would then capture it with the garbage bin with the blanket still covering it so it won’t get hurt from banging into the bin and place and hold on to the fishing rod when I flip the bin over so the Pterodactyl won’t fall out. 4.Then I put the lid on so it doesn’t fall out.
Triceratops Tyrannosaur The Triceratops has three horns to protect itself. It is a herbivore. Charges at other dinosaurs like rhinos. Has a frill or a protecting plate. The T.rex holds on to other dinosaurs with it’s hands when it eats so it can’t escape. It is a carnivore. It is fast so it can chase after prey. The Tyrannotops The Tyrannotops will have horns. It will stand on two legs. It will have sharp teeth. It will charge at enemies. It will have a frill. It is an omnivore. An omnivore eats both meat and fruit. It will hold on to other dinosaurs with it’s hands when it eats so the dinosaur can’t escape.
My construction would be called the bone radar. It would use a radar as it will find the bones. It would have a drill to mark where the bone is. It would have a screen to show where the bone is then show how the bone looks. It would have metal covering to protect it from damage.