9th ARTEMIS-IA Brokerage Event Strasbourg Welcome Jan Lohstroh 2016 Jan 26
ARTEMIS-IA Brokerage event in relation to the ECSEL Brokerage Event ARTEMIS-IA tries to inform their members as best as possible about all funding opportunities in the various funding programmes in Europe The yearly ARTEMIS-IA brokerage event has been highly rated by our members For this year 2016 ARTEMIS-IA concluded already the contract for this location in Sep Later ECSEL decided to organise an ECSEL Brokerage event back to back to our event Depending on the feedback we will ask you, we will decide on how to organize brokerage in 2017
2014: Self declaration 2015: Analysis by ECSEL JU ECSEL “ARTEMIS”- projects in ARTEMIS-JU and ECSEL-JU
ECSEL WP 2016 A text has been adopted by the Governing Board in early January Small amendments might be proposed in the GB meeting scheduled for Feb. 16 New in the WP 2016: “Lighthouse” label that some RIA and IA projects might get to be part of a cluster of projects of pan-European interest – Some initial ideas have been generated – Rewards for consortia-members are still to be defined – Final decisions expected on Feb. 16 Funding per country is still not complete – Be in touch in with the public authorities in your country!
241 persons registered for this event Break down over the countries Break down over company type Spain41 Belgium16 Portugal7 Poland2 Finland37 Czech Republic12 Latvia3 UK2 Netherlands34 Austria11 Turkey3 Estonia1 Germany24 Italy11 Denmark2 Norway1 France20 Sweden11 Ireland2 Romania1 Large enterprises54 Research centers and universities136 Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)28 Other23
Participants of this event as registered Number of registrants: 241 – Number of members:187 A-Member : 20 B-Member: 119 C-Member: 47 Associates: 1 – Number of non members: 54
Thanks for your attention