SDAIE Session 2 Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template Title III Access to Core Professional Development Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support Language Acquisition Branch
Long Range Goals Achieve consistency and continuity in our understanding of SDAIE and how we communicate it to all stakeholders. Use of SDAIE to provide access to core curriculum for English learners. Build a Culturally Relevant and Responsive (CRRE) learning environment incorporating the different ways our students learn, behave, and use communicative language patterns.
Objectives 1.Identify the SDAIE components included in the Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template. 2. Look at a sample lesson to identify the four critical elements of SDAIE.
Four Critical Elements SDAIE: Four Critical Elements Sort Use the cards on your table to “build” a group Tree Map First line up the names of the Four Critical Elements of SDAIE, then classify the rest of the cards under the correct category
Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template
Think-Pair-Share What are the non-negotiable components that the instructor must include in a well-designed lesson for any content area?
The “What”
The “How”
Think-Pair-Share Look through “the What” part of the template Highlight the components that are unique to SDAIE
A language function is the purpose for using language. (e.g., to speak about something, to write about a topic) Work with a partner to identify two language functions. What Is a Language Function/Objective?
What Is an Example of a Language Objective?
Language forms are the required words, phrases, sentence forms, and types of grammar used to construct a response. Possible language forms are the sentence frames, sentence starters or cloze sentences provided by the teacher to support students’ oral/written responses. What Are Language Forms ?
Reflection on Possible Language Forms What are possible language forms that students will need to… … explain steps to solve a problem? … justify an answer? … compare two cell phone plans? Work with a partner to develop a sentence frame/starter or cloze sentence that could be used for one of the situations presented above.
What Is an Example of a Possible Language Form?
SDAIE Planning the “WHAT”
Math Concept Lesson (Table Handout) Instructional Guides → Grade 7 → Calling Plan Lesson
Big Idea Content Standard s Skill Standard s Content Objective s Languag e Objective
Math Concept Lesson Activity Read page 1 of the Math Concept Lesson on your own Use the Post-its to identify the components of the lesson that fit into “the what” of the template Group Share
SDAIE Planning the “HOW”
***Remember, in this part of the planning we are going to consider, in particular, how to make it comprehensible, interactive and how and what connections might be necessary.
Math Concept Lesson Activity Read the Math Concept Lesson on your own In your triads, identify which critical elements are present in the lesson: Content Connections Comprehensibility Interactions Group Share
Think-Pair-Share Was this lesson connected to students’ prior experiences and learning? Was this lesson comprehensible, and interactive?
Next Steps
Objectives 1.Learn the components of the SDAIE Lesson Planning Template. 2. Look at a sample lesson to identify the four critical elements of SDAIE.