iTech Preparatory Library Teacher Librarian Mrs. Nedved
Library Services Books & Magazines Textbooks Headphones & Mice (daily checkout) Cameras (daily checkout, overnight with teacher approval- use camera box for transport!) Databases & icurio Research support Destiny Quest- find books & write reviews!
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How to Write a Review 1. Search for Book 2. Narrow your search by location: 3. Click on Book 4. Click “Add Review”
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Newbery Award Young Reader’s Choice Award
Newbery Award Margaret Edwards Award Young Reader’s Choice Award
Margaret Edwards Award Edgar Award
Award Winning Reader Program Research & review AWR books you may want to read using Destiny Quest Read 2 books before Spring Break 6 th & 7 th Grade: Write 2 book reviews on Destiny Quest 8 th Grade: Write 2 book reviews OR create 1 book trailer using iMovie, MovieMaker, etc.
AWR Categories Newbery Award Schneider Family Book Award ALA Nonfiction Graphic Novel Young Reader’s Choice Award Margaret Edwards Award Horn Nonfiction Book Award Coretta Scott King Book Award
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