Cimel Summer 2003 Presented by Sanghwa Lee Senior at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign -Automatic Just the Facts -Find Button -Track Editor
Connection between multimedia flash and Just the Facts Connection between multimedia flash and Just the Facts XML Automatic Generation Software Engineering Why Software Engineering? <TREE ACTION="URL" LINK="movies/SE/Software_Can_Be_Frustrating.swf“ HTMLLINK="movies/SE/facts/se_why_sw_engg..htm#s1" HTMLMENULINK="facts-menu.htm#se_wse" TARGET="this.testswf"> Software can be Frustrating! Just the Facts
PERL Automatic Generation The script will prepare all the file related works for the '‘ This script will generate 'Just-The-Facts'(html pages) automatically, while you go through all the flash screens of cimel. Just the Facts Automatic generation of just-the-facts page Automatic generation of just-the-facts page
PERL Automatic Generation ###---- parameters from UcompUI.swf $query = CGI::new(); $currentSectionIndex = $query->param("currentSectionIndex"); $currentSectionLabel = $query->param("currentSectionLabel"); $currentMovieIndex = $query->param("currentMovieIndex"); $currentMovieLabel = $query->param("currentMovieLabel"); $screenChapterLabel = $query->param("screenChapterLabel"); $currentHTML_link = $query->param("currentHTML_link"); $screenDisplayText = $query->param("screenDisplayText"); $screenGraphicFileLink = $query->param("screenGraphicFileLink"); $Graphic_Description = $query->param("Graphic_Description"); $screenPersonaId = $query->param("screenPersonaId"); $screenTextBoxText = $query->param("screenTextBoxText"); Just the Facts Quick Look of Quick Look of
Just the Facts Automatic generation of just-the-facts page Automatic generation of just-the-facts page End of Just the Facts
Find Button Searching a word or phrase Screens will be returned
Find Button Linear Search Fast Enough – Even if the number of cimel screens might be doubled in the future. There is chance to reduce each Keywords by deleting “junk keywords” (“and” “the”) or “repeated keywords” Easy to develope with Track-Editor in the future – For the new track menu (user-defined), it is relatively easier to re-indexing keywords automatically compare to the other searching methods Keywords generated by Perl
Glossary Terminology Definition
Track-Editor 3 PERL System xml (Ucomp.xml) New User Defined xml
Track-Editor System xml (Ucomp.xml) Suggestion – changing the name of xml tag -It is easier to work with Perl’s xml parse -It looks more understandable
Track-Editor Track Editor PERL File 1 File 2 System xml (Ucomp.xml) User Defined xml (to save the index info about chapters to the local file) (to save the index info about section to the local file) (Main function: Actual generation of the use-defined xml Based on the File 1 + File 2 + Track-Editor+systemXML
Track-Editor Current folder-menu is NOT Dynamic, but looks freindly Dynamic menu is possible (just like the current UI menu), but not sure that it would look good as this is. DEMO
Track Editor The Potential Users Instructor Professor Not for students CIMEL DB CIMELLogin Based on the DB info Different track menu(user-defined menu) will be downloaded. Different Authority will be given to the users
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