Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 The gospel which I preach did not come from man 1:11-12 I didn’t get it from man…nobody taught it to me I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ Eph 3:2-5
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 One of the “pillars” had to be dealt with re: his hypocrisy Paul’s refuting of Peter “to his face” proved he was equal in apostleship
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 Why Peter had to be confronted He wasn’t straightforward re: the gospel While he enjoyed living like the Gentiles (free in Christ re: Law), he compelled them to live like Jews (bondage to Law)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 Why Peter had to be confronted He only did this because “…certain men from James came” (fear re: Jerusalem) He led another good man astray (Barnabas)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 Why Peter had to be confronted Question:what made his actions so hypocritical? Answer:his own words Acts 11:1-18
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 We also know when this event happened After the “Jerusalem Conference” Gal 2:1-10 Acts 15 Before Paul’s 2nd journey started
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul gives 5 proof statements Î The confrontation with Peter 2:11-14 Peter comes to Antioch v. 11 Paul & Barnabas returned there after the “Jerusalem Conference” Acts 15:30-35 Paul & Barnabas are still together…they had not yet split up v. 13 Acts 15:39 It is somewhere in these verses where Peter comes to Antioch and Paul confronts him.
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul uses a dose of sarcasm to close his 1st proposition and also begin presenting his 2nd proposition v. 15 It is re: his public refuting of Peter This begins the letter’s doctrinal section Gal 3-4
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul’s sarcastic point 2:15 He uses the Jews’ bigoted term “sinners” re: Gentiles Lk 7:37, 39 15:1-2 Jn 4:9 He also admits “we” (he & Peter) were Jews “by nature” (ethnically) …apostles weren’t “sinners” like the Gentiles
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 1st Proposition & Proof 1:11 – 2:15 Paul’s sarcastic point 2:15 Peter’s error gave Paul the opportunity to emphasize the gospel’s truth & power re: what all men need…mercy in Christ This easily bridges into the thrust of his 2nd proposition Ù faith vs. law
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Justification comes on basis of faith… not on basis of law/works 2:16 One must believe in Jesus Christ as the redemptive & sacrificial mercy & forgiveness through Him No flesh will be justified by works of law To be declared innocent; free of guilt (legal term in N.T. Greek)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Another point of grammar 2:16 The original text does not say “ the law” The definite article “the” would point to the Law of Moses specifically The absence of the definite article means Paul is talking about any law in general
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Another point of grammar 2:16 Can man keep any law system perfectly? Even the law of Christ? Paul’s emphasis is faith in a God who will show mercy & pardon through a sacrifice given to redeem sinful man…Jesus
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Paul continues making his point from sarcasm 2:17 cp. v. 15 If we seek justification in Christ (on basis of the gospel, faith, mercy, pardon) and not on basis of law (works, merit), “we” will be sinners just like the Gentiles Rom 3:9, 20, 23
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Paul continues making his point from sarcasm 2:17 cp. v. 15 Since we must seek justification this way, does that make Christ a “minister of sin?” (has He commanded such conduct as Peter exhibited?) God forbid!! (May it never be!!)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Paul continues making his point from sarcasm 2:17 cp. v. 15 For Peter to have behaved in the way he did toward the Gentiles denied the very basis of what brings all men together in Christ Eph 2:11-18
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia 2nd Proposition & Proof 2:16 – 4:31 Paul seems to have finished speaking to/about Peter in 2:17 Beginning at 2:18, Paul appears to begin addressing his 2nd proposition on a much larger scale (broader arguments)
Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia …