September 17, 2015
Our Gym: Days 1,2,6, – students must have sneakers and gym clothes Please send a note or if there is an absence Send a note if your child will be picked up. (Parent code.) TeacherWeb omhttp:// om
French- 60% of the day. Usually from 9-12:15 Math –1 hour per day Science- 5-6 periods a cycle. Music, Gym, Technology and Art N/A for other subjects on report card. February 1- Language Arts, Socials, Health and Religion
To 70% of time is oral. ( Speaking and listening) Calender, Poems, Expressions, Routine Questions, Drama, Singing. Writing is modeled. By November, more time spent on reading and writing activities. Writing becomes more independent. Lots of group and partner work.
Most based on classroom observations and checklists. Daily 5: Reading, Writing and Word Work. Mini- projects throughout the unit. Large project at the end of the unit. For example: Family Album – done in class, but interviews will be sent home.
Written in Agenda. Will post to homework site once available on school website. Star of the Week ( Every student will be the “Star “, present poster and be the helper for that week.) Baggy Book – book or poem given/chosen on Monday, book and activity to be return by Friday. May start next week.
Novel Study- 3 of them between now and February minutes silent reading period daily. (Will hand out Monday.) Finish –up work ( Math, Science or French ) Math Package- handed out at beginning of unit and due at the end. Math Facts- Students should practice regularly. POW- Problem of the Week – assigned Monday, due Friday.
Math Assessment: Ongoing throughout the unit. Formal -At the end of most units. Informal- observations, checklists, conferences. Individual and group Some units- center based activities. ( Geometry) First page of unit assessment broken down by strand. Every unit assessment has review material so there’s always a second ( and a third, and a fourth…..) chance.
Problem Solving (PS) 5 your child demonstrates a strong understanding of the outcomes 4 your child demonstrates a good understanding of the outcomes 3 your child demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the outcomes 2 your child demonstrates a beginning understanding of the outcomes 1 your child has not yet demonstrated an understanding of the outcomes Reasoning (R) 5 your child demonstrates a strong understanding of the outcomes 4 your child demonstrates a good understanding of the outcomes 3 your child demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the outcomes 2 your child demonstrates a beginning understanding of the outcomes 1 your child has not yet demonstrated an understanding of the outcomes Number (N) 5 your child demonstrates a strong understanding of the outcomes 4 your child demonstrates a good understanding of the outcomes 3 your child demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the outcomes 2 your child demonstrates a beginning understanding of the outcomes 1 your child has not yet demonstrated an understanding of the outcomes
During this unit, your child has shown… Excellent focus, does not need reminders Good focus, needs occasional reminders Inadequate focus, needs frequent reminders During this unit, your child has completed homework All of the time Most of the time Rarely Please use the space below to add any comments you or your child might have. Sign and return this package. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Student Signature:_______________Adult Signature: ___________________
Please / call the school with any questions and concerns.