Systems Jeopardy DigestiveCirculatoryExcretoryRespiratoryNervousEndocrine
Digestive 100 Digestion begins in the… Mouth
Digestive 200 The passageway for food between the mouth and the stomach esophagus
Digestive 300 The first inches of the small intestine Duodenum
Digestive 400 Absorbs water leaving more solid material which the body cannot use Large intestine
Digestive 500 Stores bile until needed for digestion Gall bladder
Circulatory 100 The pump of the circulatory system The Heart
Circulatory 200 These blood vessels lead to the heart veins
Circulatory 300 These blood vessels lead away from the heart Arteries
Circulatory 400 The smallest blood vessels are called Capillaries
Circulatory 500 The main function of the circulatory system Carry food and oxygen to and remove waste from cells
Excretory 100 Main organs of the excretory system Kidneys
Excretory 200 Waste drains from the kidneys into the bladder through these... Ureters
Excretory 300 A muscular bag in the lower abdomen that holds urine until it can be expelled Bladder
Excretory 400 Releases waste in the form of urine from the body Urethra
Excretory 500 Three other organs involved in removing waste from the body are Skin, liver, lungs
Respiratory 100 The main organs of this system Lungs
Respiratory 200 Proper name for the windpipe Trachea
Respiratory 300 The trachea branches off into these when it enters the lungs Bronchial tubes
Respiratory 400 When you breathe in this contracts and drops down. Diaphragm
Respiratory 500 The air sacs in the lungs Alveoli
Nervous 100 System is made up of 3 main parts…name them Brain, spinal cord, nerves
Nervous 200 This protects the brain. Skull
Nervous 300 This protects the spinal cord The spinal column
Nervous 400 These cells, once destroyed, can never grow back. Brain cells
Nervous 500 The part of the brain that controls motor movement cerebellum
Endocrine 100 The glands in this system only found in females ovaries
Endocrine 200 The glands in this system only found in males Testes
Endocrine 300 The main function of the endocrine system Secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream to regulate the body
Endocrine 400 The hormones released from the adrenal glands that can give an extra burst of strength or speed adrenaline
Endocrine 500 The king of the other glands of the endocrine system as it helps control what they do… Pituitary Gland