What is National Standards? The National Standards Community Foundation accreditation program helps demonstrate that a community foundation is well-run.


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Presentation transcript:

What is National Standards? The National Standards Community Foundation accreditation program helps demonstrate that a community foundation is well-run and results- orientated, while also delineating criteria that help define what community foundations are and do.

There are more than 500 accredited community foundations in 49 states. 96% of the nation’s largest community foundations participate in the National Standards program.

Revised National Standards Meeting the Definition of a Community Foundation A community foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprofit, autonomous, nonsectarian philanthropic institution supported by the public with the long-term goals of: Building permanent, component funds established by many separate donors to carry out their charitable interests; Supporting the broad-based charitable interests and benefitting the residents of a defined geographic area, typically no larger than a state; and Serving in leadership roles on important community issues.

Revised National Standards Structure and Governance An independent Board that Reflects the Community Foundation Control over Component Funds Advance the Foundation’s Mission, Strategy, and Policies A Board and Staff that is Responsible for Operational Health A Board that Approves and Monitors Policies and Grants

Revised National Standards Structure and Governance (continued) A Board that is Independent Board and CEO Compensation The Board Demonstrated Legal and Fiduciary Control Privacy and Confidentiality

Revised National Standards Resource Development And Grantmaking A Board and Staff Actively Developing Broad Support The Board Secures Discretionary Resources The Board Oversees Diverse Grantmaking The Board’s Discretionary Grants Respond to Community Needs The Community Foundation Oversees Grantmaking Due Diligence

Revised National Standards Accountability A Board with Oversight and Control of Geographic Affiliates Foundation Provides Gift Acknowledgement and Fund Statement for Donors The Board Oversees Advocacy and Lobbying Activities A Board Oversees Fund Management and Financial Records

Revised National Standards Accountability (Continued) The Board is Accountable and Transparent about Programs and Finances The Foundation Maintains Fund Records Board and Staff Honors Donor Intent and Law The Board Has and Makes Public the Annual Audit

Revised National Standards Community Engagement The Board Displays Community Leadership The Board Oversees Social Media and Communications

History CFGRB passed National Standards in 2005 Reconfirmation in 2011 Another reconfirmation in 2016

Why does it matter? Evidence of Excellence Endow Iowa Review and reconsideration of policies and operations Relevance and clarity Affiliates

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy Key Elements Who must comply with the policy? Members of the board (required) Employees (required) Volunteers, including members of committees (good practice) Contractors, including consultants (good practice)

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy Key Elements There are no specific requirements for the content of a policy that meets National Standards. However, good practices suggest that a confidentiality policy should address these issues: General rule – all information deemed confidential Information about donors and prospective donors Identity, gift amounts, nature of gift Any exceptions to non-disclosure such as annual report Are donors within an exception deemed to consent if they have not specifically requested otherwise? Anonymity – who will know the donor’s identity? Information about grantees and prospective grantees including both organizations and individuals Information about the foundation Finances Fundraising Investments including performance of investment managers Personnel Internal discussions Grants and contracts Board discussions, including positions taken by individual board members

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy What changed from the previous version? Our current policy was from 2005 and did not clearly cover all the necessary aspects. The proposed policy is more comprehensive. Foundation Business Contractual Relationships Personnel Financial Operations Internal Discussions

Social Media Policy Key Elements At a minimum covers employees Prohibits unauthorized postings Sets out guidelines for personal posts including a prohibition on posting confidential information Provides for reporting violations and disciplinary action

Social Media Policy What changed from the previous version? This was previously a guideline and not a policy. It was updated to be in a policy format. This policy was submitted for approval at the last Board meeting. It has since been updated to include more language on monitoring, reporting violations and discipline for violations.

Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure Form Key Elements Policies to identify and address perceived, potential, and actual conflicts. Application of policies to board members, staff and committee members. Procedures for handling disclosures of conflicts Evidence of disclosures of conflicts of interest are provided for board members, staff and committee members. Policy may apply to other volunteers, contractors and consultants, but this is optional.

Conflict of Interest Policy & Disclosure Form What changed from the previous version? The policy was updated for clarity, language and to match our other policy formats. The Disclosure Form now includes that the signer is agreeing to adhere to the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the Confidentiality and Privacy Policy.

CFGRB Policy on Endowed Funds What changed from the previous version? The information in this policy previously existed in two separate policies. They were combined for clarity and edited for language that was not acceptable with National Standards. Reference to nonprofits being able to request the return of their endowment was removed.

Due Diligence Policies and Procedures for Grantmaking Key Elements Description of the process for ensuring that the grant will be used for charitable purposes consistent with the nature of the grant and the nature of the fund from which the grant is made. A process for determining which grants from funds legally defined as donor advised funds require the exercise of expenditure responsibility. A policy or procedure for exercising expenditure responsibility when required for grants from funds legally defined as donor advised.

Due Diligence Policies and Procedures for Grantmaking What changed from the previous version? Although we had a policy and procedures in place for grant due diligence, we updated and expanded the policy to be more detailed in order to meet the National Standards requirements.

Grant Agreements Key Elements Use of grant funds Certification and maintenance of exempt status Reports Records Publicity Return of unspent or misused grant funds

Grant Agreements What changed from the previous versions? Per National Standards, the format of our grant agreements need to be approved by the Board. Written signed agreements are used for grants requiring expenditure responsibility. These agreements were already in use, although they were updated to include restrictions on funds for lobbying. Written signed agreements are also used for complex grants such as our 2015 Leadership Grants. For the remainder of our grants, letters sent to grantees serve as the grant agreement by containing certain language required by National Standards that they agree to by accepting the check.

Gift Acceptance Policy What changed from the previous version? The policy was updated to change the amount of time an Acorn fund has to reach the fund minimum. It was previously ten years and this policy changes it to five years.

Affiliate Portability Policy What changed from the previous version? The previous version of this policy was written with Iowa affiliates in mind with a focus on Endow Iowa legislation. This proposed policy is in agreement with the RPS and MOU that is being prepared for affiliates.

Fund Information The Fund Information is used in tandem with the Fund Applications to serve as our fund agreements with donors. Donors sign the Fund Application to acknowledge receipt of the Fund Information. It summarizes policies and procedures and is meant to answer common questions for our fundholders.

Fund Information What changed from the previous version? It has been updated with a procedure for when advisors for a donor advised fund legally separate or divorce. Language about non-endowed organizations funds was removed since we are no longer opening those funds. Reference to nonprofits being able to request the return of their endowment was removed, per National Standards. Other minor changes were made for clarification. Language regarding investment managers is also being removed in anticipation of Investment Committee changes.
