Year 2 Parent Information Evening - Thursday 24th September 2015


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Presentation transcript:

Year 2 Parent Information Evening - Thursday 24th September 2015 A warm welcome from Mrs Stanton and Mrs Pauley

What will our child be learning in Year 2 Our Creative Curriculum Topics: Autumn Term – Incredible Me! (Geography based topic) The Great Fire of London (History based topic) Spring Term – The Wild, Wild West (Geography & History based topic) Summer Term – The Seaside (History and Geography based topic)

RE All classes follow a scheme called; “Learning and Growing as the people of God” Units include; Old testament stories, Sharing in the Life of Jesus, Advent, Christmas, Parables/Miracles, Special celebrations, Lent, Holy week, Easter, Pentecost, Our church and the Mass.

Collective Worship Children take part in an Act of Worship daily. Monday – Class Collective worship - parents invited each half term. Tuesday –Hymn practice Wednesday - Class Collective worship or Mass Thursday – KS1 Assembly Friday – Class Collective worship You will be invited to one Act of Worship each half term.

P.E Literacy Spellings Science Prayers Maths Playtime Phonics Lunch   Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.50 – 9.05 Register Prayers Collective worship Prayers 9.05 – 9.50 Maths 9.50 - 10.10 Maths practice time Maths interventions Collective worship (Hymn Practise) Collective worship (Class) Collective worship (KS1) Collective worship (JC) 10.10 – 10.30 Playtime 10.30 – 10.45 Phonics Maths Practice time P.E 10.45 – 11.00 Literacy Phonics Literacy 11.00 – 11.45 Music RE co-ordinator time 11.45 – 1.00 Lunch 1.00 – 1.20 Spellings PPA Phonics Handwriting R.E 1.20 – 2.15 Topic Art / D&T 2.15 – 2.30 (2.20 – 2.35) (2.10 – 2.25) 2.30 – 3.30 Science Art / D&T PSHE Story Hear readers ICT Award Assembly (2.45)

How can I help at home? Support with homework: - Learning spellings - Enjoying books/reading to your child/listening to your child read or discuss his/her book - Times tables (by the end of year 2 children should be able to count forwards and back in steps of 2, 5 and 10 and know 3 and 4 times tables). - Visit your local library Read books around the main topic Access to the internet for research & educational sites Finding a good space and time to encourage good habits Read books around the main topic – this really encourages the children’s enthusiasm & helps them make valuable contributions in class – E.g. when we study ancient greece – children love to read the greek myths/legends at home with you. Encouraging the children to do their homework & to attempt at least 2 or 3 of the could do homeworks this year is greatly appreciated – they are made to feel very proud of their achievements & receive praise/awards where they have clearly gone the extra mile! Its also great if the children can bring books/information into school for the main topic each term. It helps them to be enthusiastic about what they are doing/learning about. Try to encourage children to do a small amount of their homework each night (e.g. 15-20 mins) – this avoids any last minute anxiety or stress.

Homework Weekly spelling lists and Year 2 HFW Times Tables (working towards the 22 club) Reading and Reading Activity Numeracy weekly

READING AT HOME We ask that children have the opportunity to read at least 5 times a week to an adult. Making sure your child understands the book is as equally important as them being able to read it. Ask 5 questions You read a section of the book and your child has to ask you questions Examples of questions handout Please sign your child's reading record every time you hear them read.

Assessment No More Levels! We will refer to your child’s current level of attainment using phrases such as: working at age related expectations working towards age related expectations working beyond age related expectations SATS – children will receive a raw score, which will then be translated into one of the above statements.

The New Curriculum A significant change The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. (National Curriculum for Mathematics page 3) A significant change Alongside that is……….

A new approach to teaching Maths Children work in mixed ability pairs and sit in rows. all children are given the opportunity to develop a deep understanding and fluency of the mathematics they are learning so that: future mathematical learning is built on solid foundations which do not need to be re-taught; there is no need for separate catch-up programmes due to some children falling behind; children who, under other teaching approaches, can often fall a long way behind, are better able to keep up with their peers, so that gaps in attainment are narrowed whilst the attainment of all is raised. There is no such thing as “SEN maths” There is no such thing as “more able maths”

Developing and assessing reasoning In terms of assessing reasoning some schools are using these, the white is the content of the National Curriculum, the blue are related reasoning questions Not only is it important to be able to “do” the white, but there should be sufficient depth of understanding of the contrent to answer the reasoning questions in blue

Depth and going deeper 3 8 5 Making Connections supports depth and sustainable learning and paves the way for later learning + = + = - = - =

Captain Conjecture says in KS1

The English Curriculum

. . .talk about characters, settings and plots in different books . . .find information to answer simple questions . . .read whole texts on my own … blend phonemes to read words . . .choose what I like to read and say why . . .talk about settings and events in my own life and in books . . .know about sentences making sense and can use this to work out new words … identify the main events or key ideas in a text . . . read aloud well, using the right ‘voice’ and pausing at full stops The Year 2 Reader ‘I can . . .’ . . .read diagrams and charts to help me understand the text. … know why authors use capitals and bold print to make a point … guess what might happen in stories using clues from the text … understand the difference between fiction and non fiction . . .know about non-fiction texts and say what will be in the text . . .use the title, cover and blurb to guess the contents of a book . . .use the voice of the character when reading aloud

Writing writes simple sentences with complete grammatical accuracy uses sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command expands sentences using co-ordination (using or, and, but) and subordination (using when if, that, because) uses expanded noun phrases to describe and specify e.g. the blue butterfly shows some variation in sentence openings (not always opening with the subject) uses appropriate adjectives and adverbs to give essential information e.g. ‘plain flour’ rather than ‘flour’ or ‘fluffy, white flour’ uses both familiar and new punctuation correctly most of the time, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contracted forms and the possessive (singular) independently monitors own writing for sense, proofreading and editing previously-taught aspects, e.g. spelling, punctuation, sentence structure etc.

Behaviour – Rewards Award Assembly: Star of the week! Dojo points Traffic lights Golden Time Praise assembly – Fridays Detention is carried out the following lunch time & you will be informed by letter of your child’s behaviour & why they have received a detention.

Communications Weekly Newsletter (available on school website) Text messages Class story via Dojo

Curriculum Days Geography day History day Science week Book week Multifaith day PSHE day Sports Week Look out for more information on the weekly newsletters.

Feedback Please provide us with a little feedback about this evening using the post its. Yellow – What have you liked about the evening? Blue – Is there anything you feel we have missed out?