Tourism – a more recent and transient form of migration. Old reasons of traveling were only because of military conquests, religious pilgrimages, trade, and diplomacy. Most people did not travel because transportation was slow, expensive, and inconvenient.
Mass tourism was created by industrial society. Tourism became a growing industry in Western Europe and the U.S. during the mid 19 th century. Thomas Cook created the first travel agency in 1850 while Karl Baedeker and his son took advantage of the economic benefits of tourism.
In the early and mid 1800’s more people were going on vacations because of pleasure. Pleasure zones were created in Britain, Coney Island, and Varna. The package tour was created after World War 2, which allowed people to travel all around the world.
Travel and tourism had become the two major industries on the planet. The total economic value of goods and services in 1996 estimated to be $3.6 trillion, and this service gave work to approximately 255 million people. Tourism created low-paying jobs, and most of the profits went toward the places were tourism is located.